are kids as stupid as some of us think!

by warmasasunned 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • warmasasunned

    talking to my seven year old son the other day

    "are you looking forward to christmas mate?"


    "what about your mates? are they looking forward to it?"

    "yeah, but not angela shes a jehovahs witness, so she dosen't celebrate christmas, i think she wants to, but her mum and dad dont want her too"

    "what do you think of that?"

    "dont care"

    "does anyone bother her about it?"

    "no she just goes and sits in the hall"

    it just amazed me that he saw straight through it, its not poor old angelas's idea not to celebrate christmas its her mum and dads.

    my son dosent know i used to be a jw, he was born 12 years after i had packed the madness in.

    we ocassionaly discuss god and religion. i tell him

    " its up to you what you belivie, but dont let anyone tell you what god is, and what god expects of you."

    sometimess he says he belivies in god and other times he says he dosen't, not that he often brings the subject up he's to busy being a kid unlike angela who is made to stand up for what her parents belivie.

    i'm not just knocking the "j's", most religion puts to much responseability on their young shoulders

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Very true. Poor kids think they're going to be killed by God if they colour in a picture of Santa.

    Such a shame.

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