Baptized sister had little knowledge of the Bible from Jan 15 WT

by life is to short 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    There is a life experience of a sister in the January 15th WT of a sister during WW2. To quote her from the WT "I was deeply moved by what I learned, and quickly accepted the truth. That very same year, I dedicated myself to Jehovah and was baptized."

    Then in the next paragraph she says 'Although I had little Bible knowledge, she knew that by becoming a JW she became part of an organization that was banned.'

    It just struck me by her saying she had little Bible knowledge. I too had little Bible knowledge when I pioneered. I was to busy working low paying jobs, trying to get 90 hours a month in plus read all the WT and Awakes, study for all the meetings, etc to have time to read the Bible.

    I used to wish I had time to just sit and read the Bible but I was too worried that if I did not keep us with the WT or the latest meeting part I would be put on the spot by a fellow JW in the car group. I have had that happen and it was hell being made to feel worse then scum for not keeping up with what "Mother" is feeding us.

    The story just made me feel so sad for her. She had a child and was put in a concentration camp for 18 months away from her little girl who latter died at the age of 8.

    All they did was smuggle WT books and such but no mention of Bibles it was all "Bible literature". She says "they risked their lives in behalf of their brothers." No they risked their lives in behalf of a publishing plant. I pioneered and gave up my youth for a publishing plant.


  • BluesBrother

    Dealings with some modern born-in dubs, now in their twenties has shocked Sister Blues by their lack of Bible knowledge, too. It seems that they sat at meetings for 20 years and learned very little.

    Hopefully (In my view) they are ripe for dropping out when realization takes hold, but for now they keep doing it by rote. It is just a way of life, I guess

  • finallyfree!

    Sooo true! Half my family members work part time minimum wage jobs and regular pioneer. Married away as babies to MS's or getting old with nothing to show for their "service" not even married. Sad. When you think about it they work say 20 hrs a week at 8 bucks an hour so that's 160 x 4 weeks so 640 bucks a month minus taxes and ur left with 580 bucks. That pretty much barely covers gas and maintenance on a vehicule used full time. They basically work to serve the WTS. That's why they all bunk up 4-5 in a house or apartment or stay at home with their parents. Then they leech off the people who actually work.

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