5000 every week?

by ssn587 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • ssn587

    Have heard it a number of times that there are 5,000 newcomers every week to the dubs. What are the stats for those leaving everyweek? Does anyone have an idea. would sure like to know. Thanks in advance for your input.

  • NeonMadman

    Based on the 2009 and 2010 Yearbooks:

    2008 Avg. Publishers: 6,691,790

    2009 Avg. Publishers 6,829,455

    Increase 2008-2009: 137,665

    Baptisms 2008-9: 276,233, or about 5312/wk.

    "Missing" Publishers: 138,568, or about 2665/wk.

    In other words, over half the number baptized stopped "publishing" in the 2008-9 service year (not necessarily the same individuals, of course). We might attribute a small percentage of this decrease to deaths, but that would be almost insignificant in view of the obviously large numbers leaving the organization.

  • slimboyfat

    A 1% death rate would give around 70,000 deaths: not at all insignificant in any attempt at calculating how many left.

  • factfinder

    I don't think you can use the baptism figures in comparison with publisher figures because the publisher figures already include all those who got baptized.

  • slimboyfat

    Yes it certainly complicates matters, also considering not all those who become publishers get baptised. Some drop out before they reach that stage.

  • 3Mozzies
    Baptisms 2008-9: 276,233, or about 5312/wk.
    "Missing" Publishers: 138,568, or about 2665/wk.

    Look forward to when those figures are reversed:

    Baptisms: about 2665/wk.

    "Missing" Publishers: about 5312/wk.


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