You would not believe...

by tec 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    ... how much housework you can get done when your internet and cable go offline for a day and a half!

    (I even have all my decorating done)


  • leavingwt

    Welcome back! We've missed you.

  • AGuest

    Oh, THERE you are, dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you!). I had missed you and was just checking on "the book" (it's somewhere in Ontario), and so pulled up a map of Canada to try and see where you are. And all I can say... for you, dear OUTLAW, Miss Gracy and the rest of you Canadians... wowzee wow!! Not that you can tell from the map, but it looks... well... "barren" up there! LOLOLOLOLOL! I am going to have to do that "road trip" some summer and get by and see you all (notice, I said "summer"...).

    Anyway, very glad you're "back"... and that you got some housekeeping done while gone!

    Peace to you!

    Your servant, sister and fellow slave of Christ,


  • tec

    Thanks, both of you.

    You don't know how much you miss this place when you want to be here and CAN'T, lol! My house looks good (great really, with candles and stuff hanging from walls and everything! ), but I swear I kept checking the modem every hour all day to see if it was back. Of course, at least now I'm ready for my grandmother's visit tomorrow!

    Summer is definitely better for driving, Shelby. Would love to see you on that road trip :) We've got a fair amount of snow, but even for us who are used to it (Edmonton has the worst drivers in the country, btw), there are accidents galore.

    Peace to you (s),


  • Lozhasleft

    Your house sounds lovely and seasonal Tammy...

    Loz x

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Glad you are back. I feel for all of you that got dumped on. The blast passed just south of us so we barely got a skiff of snow here in Ottawa while Montreal just an hour away got lots of snow.

    It seems to me that everyone has a different idea about where Canada's worst drivers live. I thought it was Montreal until I moved to Winnipeg. They are crazy over there.

    The problem with Montreal drivers is that they drive fast so you really have to keep up. But because they drive fast they usually get into the proper lane before they have to turn. Plus there everyone has their foot on the pedal to jump the red light.

    Now Winnipeg is the opposite. They don't plow their streets to the pavement in the winter so there is a real chance of sliding through the light when it turns red. As a result people don't try to jump the light before it turns green. They never know when a driver might be sliding through as they fail to stop in time. And they keep to this pattern when the roads are clear. The other thing I noticed they do in Winnipeg is to change lanes at the last minute. More than a few times I've watched someone in the left hand lane swerve across 3 lanes of traffic to make a right turn in less than half a block. They cut people off all the time. I had to learn to drive much more defensively in Winnipeg than I had to in Montreal.

    Toronto is just crazy - wall to wall cars. I hate driving there even when I know where I am going.

    Ottawa - I haven't done a lot of driving here but they seem to be pretty good in comparison to Montreal, Winnipeg or Toronto.

  • tec
    The problem with Montreal drivers is that they drive fast so you really have to keep up. But because they drive fast they usually get into the proper lane before they have to turn. Plus there everyone has their foot on the pedal to jump the red light.

    LL - Sounds like Edmonton, even though I've never driven anywhere else :) Except Edmontonians are awful for using signal lights. I can be bad too, if I think what I'm doing won't affect anyone else. Plus, Edmontonians are terrible for obeying or even seeing crosswalk markings and even crosswalk signal lights. We have too many hits and/or deaths of pedestrians in a crosswalk. It's why I wouldn't let my boys walk to school even when we were close enough - drivers just don't see and stop.

    Thanks, Loz - We've only been in our house for about five months, so every season is new here still :)


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