The idolatry of the JW’s rivals that of the Canaanites

by still wondering 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still wondering
    still wondering

    "In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue."
    Awake! - May 22, 1994, p.2

    Yes, the sacrifice of human life, human sacrifices, to please God by as is stated “putting God first”.

    Why? Because we are told that’s what He requires and is pleased by such sacrifices, just like the Canaanite gods.

    As TD states a child born with neonatal immunological deficiency syndrome can have a sniffle in the morning, a raging fever by noon, and be hospitalized with double pneumonia by evening.

    Without weekly injections of gamma globulin, this condition can easily end with a lonely little headstone on the rolling green hills of a cemetery.

    Such are the consequences of worshipping, thence sacrificing to, the watchtower gods and their idols. Their primary idol, the bunch of desperadoes who call themselves the “governing body”, in an effort to subserviate its followers erects subsidiary idols to pay homage and sacrifices to such as blood.

    For more info on such rampant idolatry

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