Hey, where is SBC?

by tec 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    I keep noticing missing people, and a handful have been banned recently. Has anyone seen him around lately? Am I just blind?


  • tec


  • Jadeen

    His Facebook says that he got a bunch of new toys. Probably busy playing with them!

  • Soldier77

    Yeah, SBC FB shows him to be having fun. Good for him!

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Wait, someone noticed I was missing from an online forum? Holy mother of pearl! I once faked being dead at my desk for 13 days before anyone noticed and my office is right next door to the Xerox. Eh, not really, but my productivity was as if I'd been dead for 13 days.

    Thank you, Tammy. A for you... since you're so observant, considerate, and - most importantly - not a big fan of or .

    Honestly I've been trying to stay away the last week or so to get some things done and, uh, relax over the holidays. This forum is great but I needed to back off for a coupla reasons:

    1. It reminds me of Lay's potato chips. I can't seem to stop with one post. Productivity comes to a halt.
    2. I sometimes get worked up over posts from people I don't even know and that mood spills over into relationships with people I do know. The debates on here never end, which is not necessarily a "con" but it is reality. Sometimes I'll spout off in a post and then reread my words and feel like I need to just shut up. So a break for me and then hopefully I'll show more self control.

    Jadeen and Soldier are right, too. As a moderate technophile (aka nerd), I snagged some electronic goodness on Black Friday so I've been configuring and tweaking in search of HD media bliss in multiple rooms. :-D

  • sabastious

    I don't know Tammy, I don't think SBC is cool enough to have a "Where have you gone" thread.


  • sabastious
    First, it reminds me of Lay's potato chips: I can't seem to stop with one post and productivity comes to a halt.

    I have the same problem except with Crystal Meth.

    (just kidding)


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    I don't know Tammy, I don't think SBC is cool enough to have a "Where have you gone" thread.

    True. But your mom thinks I'm pretty cool, Sab.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Now that I'm on here, how was your Thanksgiving, Tammy (and other posters)?

    We really enjoyed our first. The motherly Engineering Assistant up at my office invited our family and two other couples to join them. Eleven of us (counting 3 kids) stuffed ourselves all afternoon in their uber Christmas-decorated home. It was a great experience. The rest of the weekend consisted of BF shopping and veggin' out... watching movies, playing games with the fam, grilling, etc.

  • tec


    I'm Canadian, SBC. Thanksgiving was a while ago for me (on the proper date of course)... and yummy. Went to my parents with kids and my sister and our three dogs, so yeah, kinda crazy too :) I understand about the toys and the playing ;)

    (and the needing a break too. happens to all of us)


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