Why should I pray?

by sabastious 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    I'm not a Christian nor part of any other religion that believes as prayer being the sole personal medium to God, yet I do believe in a Creator.

    Prayer has never helped me and they have never really been answered. The way I figure if God isn't talking to me the way communication is best for humans (through language) then I guess, right now, his purpose doesn't involve communicating with me.

    I like how Deism describes God talking to us, through his creation. All we have to do is study the intricacies of nature, of which I see the ultimate struggle for survival. The only way a species can survive the test of time in this world is to adapt to it's surroundings and help evolution takes it's course (you gotta exist for evolution to work on your species).

    When I love my wife, my mother or my son I feel like God is talking to me in a certain, specific and indirect way. Not a direct person-to-god communication, but more like how our ancestors talk to us when we unearth their ruins.

    Prayer just seems like a warm security blanket that you have to believe works or the effects are lost.


  • Lore

    When I was real young, about 9, I had a 'penpal'.

    It was actually just some witness kid who visited our hall one time and thought it would be fun to write letters back and forth. I thought it was a dumb idea but he wanted too so whatever.

    He wrote me a typical 8-12 ? year old kid letter.

    I wrote one back.

    He wrote one back.

    I wrote one back.

    He wrote one back.

    I wrote one back.

    He didn't write back.

    I wrote another one anyway to be polite in case he didn't get my last one.

    He didn't write back.

    I didn't write anymore either.

    No idea what happened. Maybe he died. Maybe his arms fell off and he can't write anymore. Maybe both of our letters got lost in the mail.

    Maybe he's STILL writing letters all these years later and 70 years from now I'm gonna get a big box of undelivered letters from usps written by this disturbed man that were lost in the mail this whole time.

    Or more likely he just got sick of writing stupid letters. Or his school project that required him to get a penpal ended and he didn't bother letting me know he wouldn't be writing anymore.

    WHATEVER the case: After a few attempts at communicating, even when I was 9 years old, I realized that either he wasn't getting my messages or he wasn't going to respond so I stopped talking to him.

    I was going somewhere with that. . . What was this thread about again?

    - Lore

  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear Sab, and peace to you! May I respond? Thank you!

    I'm not a Christian nor part of any other religion that believes as prayer being the sole personal medium to God

    I am a christian, dear one, but not because I joined some religion and or just because I follow Christ, which I do. Rather, it is by means of an anointing with holy spirit which ALLOWS me to better hear Christ so AS to follow him. And I absolutely agree with you that prayer is not the sole personal medium to God. Christ is that medium, dear one.

    yet I do believe in a Creator.

    May I ask, does "it" have a name?

    Prayer has never helped me and they have never really been answered.

    May I offer that perhaps it's because your prayers have not gotten TO the Most Holy One of Israel? I mean, if you haven't gone THROUGH the Holy... it's highly unlikely that you entered into... and before... the MOST Holy.

    The way I figure if God isn't talking to me the way communication is best for humans (through language) then I guess, right now, his purpose doesn't involve communicating with me.

    Well, then, there you go! If that's your position (that God needs to communicate with you the way "communication is best for humans"). I would like to ask you to consider, however, that perhaps you have it backward. Perhaps God is asking YOU... to come UP to HIM... rather than responding to you asking Him... to come DOWN to YOU. If you think about it, even humans don't like "dumbing down" to communicate with one another. Should expect the Most Holy One of Israel to prefer such? God has a mechanism for communicating with Him: it is the spirit. Because HE is a Spirit. Since we are NOT spirits, however, or rather, since the vessel of flesh that we currently occupy stands in the WAY of our spirit... He has given us a Spirit... the Holy Spirit... His Son... through whom we can communicate with Him.

    Now, I get it that you might wish to communicate directly with God, but I would have to honestly say that that really is a bit of arrogance on your part, is it not? I mean, do you really believe yourself to be "clean" enough to do so? Truly? And, please, I must ask you: don't get all offended over that statement. Surely, if there IS a God you yourself would want HIM to be "clean"... much more so that earthing man, right? Otherwise, how CAN He be a God, indeed, anyone's God? He would be no better than us. Right? If, then, you are willing to give honor and reverence to mere men... who set themselves up as man's leader... or are set up as such... and THEY are unclean and really "no better" than you... the Most Holy One of Israel... who IS holy and thus clean... is deserving of SOME honor and reverence, yes?

    I like how Deism describes God talking to us, through his creation.

    Well, yeah, there is that...

    All we have to do is study the intricacies of nature, of which I see the ultimate struggle for survival. The only way a species can survive the test of time in this world is to adapt to it's surroundings and help evolution takes it's course (you gotta exist for evolution to work on your species).

    And what is the ultimate end in such "creation"? Death, is it not? Yet, God... is LIFE. So, merely looking to the creation, you're going to see God in the birth, existence, and survival of life... but even then what you see is temporary. A "shadow" of God's glory. If, however, you were to see life that has NO END, you would see more of Him. How can you see such a thing? It always comes back to one thing: see... Christ. Look... at him.

    When I love my wife, my mother or my son I feel like God is talking to me in a certain, specific and indirect way.

    I can understand that; I am sure others can, too.

    Not a direct person-to-god communication,

    Because, no, it isn't...

    but more like how our ancestors talk to us when we unearth their ruins.

    This assumes that our ancestors loved... and then, loved us. Which is not necessarily the case. Our ancestors were human, like us... and their love subject to limitations. If there even was love. There are many who live and have lived who had no ancestors to speak of, at least none known to them... nor were they known to such ancestors. And, yes, while the blood does speak... there are and have been many, starting with the first man, Adham, who will put their own selfish longing before their blood. Cain even slaughtered his own... and there are still many who do. While I do not judge, I would offer that the plethora of abortions are proof of that. Those who have unprotected sex/drug use and then pass on deathly disease to other partners and/or their children are proof of that. Those who send their children to war for things other than direct defense are proof of that. Those who sacrifice their children to idols are proof of that. Those who abandon, neglect, abuse, injure, harm... and even kill... their own blood... are proof of that. So, clinging to one's ancestors isn't necessarily beneficial.

    Prayer just seems like a warm security blanket that you have to believe works or the effects are lost.

    This is absolutely true... for most. I cannot deny it. But such ones are often like the Pharisee that my Lord spoke of as recorded at Luke 18:10-12:

    “Two men went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and began to pray these things to himself, ‘O God, I thank you I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week, I give the tenth of all things I acquire.’"

    Now, of course, I don't for a minute believe that you are like that Pharisee; rather, I believe you are like most people, who pray in earnest... when experiencing tribulation or are in need of something. And what of those? Does the Most Holy One of Israel not hear them? My Lord answered that, dear one, in the preceding verses:

    "... he went on to tell them an illustration with regard to the need for them always to pray and not to give up, saying: “In a certain city there was a certain judge that had no fear of God and had no respect for man. But there was a widow in that city and she kept going to him, saying, ‘See that I get justice from my adversary at law.’ Well, for a while he was unwilling, but afterward he said to himself, ‘Although I do not fear God or respect a man, at any rate, because of this widow’s continually making me trouble, I will see that she gets justice, so that she will not keep coming and pummeling me to a finish.’” Then the Lord said: “H EAR what the judge, although unrighteous, said! Certainly, then, shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, even though he is long-suffering toward them? I tell YOU , He will cause justice to be done to them speedily."

    So, you see here, that the Most Holy One of Israel WILL respond... but it is to (1) His chosen ones, who (2) do not give up praying. And who are such chosen ones? The next verse helps us understand:

    "... when the Son of man arrives, will he really find the faith on the earth?”

    The WONDERFUL thing, though, dear one, is that Most Holy One of Israel does not require a man to be clean. He does not require a man to be good. Or perfect. Or smart. Or even nice. He does not require honesty. None of these, at least not at first. Because Christ is the One who will help a man to work out such things if they are lacking (if not, WHOO-HOO!). The Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, only requires ONE thing, dear Sab... and that is for a man to have FAITH. Faith... that will allow such a man to come to... and walk THROUGH... the Door, Christ. Even if he cannot see it (him).

    Which I can personally tell you is the ONE THING that is the HARDEST for us to have. Indeed, your post here shows that even as to you. But... it is not impossible. Indeed, with God... ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE... even for a man of NO faith to gain a little faith... and a man of LITTLE faith... to gain more. As one man is recorded to have said: "I have faith; help me out where I NEED faith."

    I am proof of that truth, that we only need a little faith.

    I hope this helps... and wish that you are given ears to hear... when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • WTWizard

    You should pray if you feel like wasting your time getting your hopes up only to see that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag savagely shatter them repeatedly. When we pray to that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag, and especially giving thanks to him, we communicate to him that he doesn't need to actually give you any (or any more) of what you need in order to receive praise, and it will be cut off from you.

    Otherwise, don't even bother wasting the time.

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