Happy Thanksgiving

by will_the_apostate 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • will_the_apostate

    I'm thankfull to be out of the Dubs and for the friends and family I now have.

    What are you thankful for?

  • Heaven

    So many, many things. Food, clothing, a job, a house, a car, good friends and family, good health, living in a country where we have our fundamental rights and freedoms and where our diversity is embraced, and the ability to continue to educate myself.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone on this board. I'm also thankful that I'm out of that awful religion particularly today. I remember going out in service bothering people on Thanksgiving day and being miserable myself.

    I'm thankful for lots of things. I'm that I've been able to keep a job through these tough economic times. I'm thankful for my wife, friends, family, my health. I'm thankful for the ocean the desert and the mountains. Gotta love this planet. I'm thankful for this board and everyone that posts here. I'm thankful that I go to a church that welcomes everyone and allow people to think for themselves and is concerned about the poor and the homeless in our area. And I'm thankful for this day that give us a chance to reflect on what we have to be thankful for in our lives. Last Sunday I went for Thankgiving dinner at my sister so this is the second one for me. Next year I may get a early start on it by celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving.

    Today my neighbors who are Muslims came over to ask how to cook a turkey. I think it is a wonderful holiday that everyone can enjoy. Except dubs although I think a lot of them are closet participants.

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