JW blood card changes advance medical directive flip flops

by Hairyhegoat 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hairyhegoat

    Advance Directive

    The first example shown is one of the older versions of the blood card that Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) carried. You will note its clear and uncompromising statement about the use of blood. It says specifically "I demand that blood, in any way, shape or form, is NOT to be fed into my body..."

    This statement is quite interesting for two reasons:

    • We no longer hear the Watchtower Society (WTS) talk in terms of blood transfusions being a "feeding" on blood. This is because they now know that a transfusion is not a feeding on blood, but rather an organ transplant. The old view was based upon outdated medical views that were discarded nearly a hundred years ago. Today the WTS is forced to speak in terms of how it is wrong to "sustain one's life" by means of blood. As we have seen, however, the Bible no where talks about blood in this way.
    • The other interesting thing about the wording in this card is that it would clearly prohibit a Witness from taking any blood components such as those now on the Society's approved list. It accurately reflects the position taken by the Society in the following quote:

    • Whether whole or fractional, one's own or someone else's, transfused or injected, it is wrong - The Watchtower 09/15/1961 p. 559

    What follows below is the current "Advance Directive" being used by Jehovah's Witnesses:

    The current blood card, or "Medical Directive" is no longer able to make the same uncompromising statement. Why? Because the WTS has gradually modified its once firm position and now allows many parts of the blood to be transfused or injected in various forms.

    A doctrine that made little sense to begin with, now makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Are you still carrying this document in your wallet? If so, why? It may well become a warrant for your untimely death.

    Children of Jehovah's Witnesses, though not even baptized, are called upon to carry a similar card. It can be viewed in the section "A Parent's Perspective."

    What a load of goat shit , I hate this religion they have blood on their hands, they will get there reward not in heaven but in hell

  • pirata

    There is an even newer one, at least in some countries, with space for the JW to write their wishes in regards to minor blood fractions. Now, if they'd only extend that section to major blood fractions and whole blood then we'd have a good card.

  • sir82

    That's not the current JW "blood card" - what you show there is out of date by at least 10 years.

    Currently they have a Durable Power of Attorney card to fill out, that has even more detail, and permits power of attorney over even non-blood issues.

    The scary part is, JWs (most of them anyway) likely have no idea just how powerful a DPA is - they just oblivioulsy fill it out and forget about it.

  • leavingwt

    Jehovah gives the Writing Department special knowledge regarding which "fractions" of blood are a "conscience matter".

    In other words, it's MAGIC.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Jehovah gives the Writing ..ahem... Legal Department special knowledge regarding which "fractions" of blood are a "conscience matter".

    In other words, it's a LAWSUIT WAITIN' TO HAPPEN.

  • Hairyhegoat

    I was showing older blood cards so you could see how over time they have changed this aswell. I have the new blood card from my dad givin to me but I have thrown it in the bin... Also I have updated all hospital records so we are not classed as JW anymore . So HLC can sod off aswell if I or my family need blood for any reason. You guys need to update you records aswell asap. HLC are called if a JW is brought into the hospital with need of blood. IT'S on your records in the hospital. HLC would like to see you die before your family there. Sort this out....


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