Former Jehovah's Witness Preacher Arrested for Playing Strip Poker With 14-Year-Old Boy

by insearchoftruth 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • insearchoftruth

    Strip poker can be a fun party game when played by visually -- and age -- appropriate gamblers. It's a problem, however, when one of those playing is a preacher -- it's an even bigger problem when the only other player is a 14-year-old boy.

    The former preacher at a Jehovah's Witness church in Phoenix was arrested last night for allegedly playing strip poker -- and doing a lot of other sick stuff -- with a 14-year-old boy more than 30 years ago.

    David Nelson, the former leader of the Madison Park Congregation Church near 16th Street and Earll Drive in Phoenix, was arrested last night at his home for molesting a boy he met through the church in 1980.

    We got our hands on the police report -- sick stuff.

    According to the report, in September of 1980, when he was 33-years-old, Nelson had the 14-year-old victim -- described as "a close family friend" -- over to his house on at least two occasions to play cards. Nelson's rules are different than, say, Vegas' -- the loser in his game is required to pull out his junk and show it to the winner.

    As the games progressed, the stakes got higher and the loser was required to touch the winner's penis with his hand.

    According to the police report, both Nelson and the victim touched each other's wieners.

    As the game progressed further, the stakes got even higher. By the end of the games, the loser had to suck the winner's penis, which happened, the report claims, on at least two occasions.

    According to the report, the first time Nelson sucked the victim's penis, he hummed as he went to the bathroom to wash the victim's semen out of his mouth. On the second occasion, he just spit it into a towel.

    If you just threw up in your mouth a little bit, we don't blame you.

    Nelson was only caught because during a recent phone call with the victim, he admitted to the blowjobs and to playing strip poker with the boy. The conversation was recorded and given to police.

    Nelson told police he wanted to apologize to the victim and that everything that happened was his fault (no shit, dude).

    Nelson's been charged with two counts of sexual conduct with a minor, two counts of molestation of a child, and two counts of public sexual indecency.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Emphasis on "Former" please.

    All of them with that kind of sick behavior will become former JWs as they will be kicked out of the Organization that does not tolerate such indicency.


  • mimimimi

    Doubtfully, they will be kicked out if caught and willing to admit to it. However, there are documented cases where they deny, deny, deny, have even gone to prison, but the congregation still believes them and they continue as JW's in good standing. And then there are the good ol' boy clubs among the elders that overlook wrongdoing or are willing to just give a slap on the hand and keep it secret, with victims and what they have gone through never considered by them. In theory, the Org. (borg) does not tolerate indecency, but in practice that just ain't necessarily so.

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