fornication in marriage?????

by BlackTwisted 4 Replies latest social relationships

  • BlackTwisted

    Here is my view on what WT thinks about bedroom laws.....i think of them as bullsh*t!!! I am sorry, but how the heck can married couples be fornicatiing????? i mean, anal, i can understand but condemning oral????? what the freak??? and mutual masturbation? can anyone show me where are the bible principles for this? and why WTs is making the org more strict than what it should be?

    what married couples do is none of their business, honestly, i think whoever suggested this was jealous. no offense. but since when married couples fornicate over certain sex acts? i am just saying. WT takes it over a notch too much.

    okay sorry, i had to get that out of my system...most of it :/

    what bedroom laws were you told you couldn't do? besides oral and anal and mutual masturbation? >.<

    (yes i am young but i am curious to know...not to mention everyone besides myself has crazy fanatasies >.> so dont say "i am too young to know this" or whatever.)

  • dssynergy

    I don't think they call it fornicating unless it is outside marriage. But they have condemned those practices even within marriage. And you are right, NONE of their business.

  • nelly136

    i know its frustrating being at that in between wants to know age, but the site does have guidelines about talking about sexually explicit stuff with minors.

  • wobble

    The WT misuses the Gk. word "porneia" to justify its "guidance" on these matters, and allows its Elders to judge on such things and DF if they see fit.

    What a bunch of controlling perversely voyeuristic assholes they all are, sexually frustrated too no doubt.

    It is none of their business, especially as they have no authority over any aspect of any persons life, the GB (FDS) were not appointed by Jesus in 1919, so no Elder either has any true authority vested in him.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Actually minors are really allowed here although we know they read

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