phoebed story - part 2

by phoebed 6 Replies latest social relationships

  • phoebed

    okay guys, I have a little time on my hand ( a little).

    As I was going through public school, the persecutions and ostracism remained. It was a very difficult thing to be a JW kid in Comunism. Parents could not "homeschool" like in US, which I am sure my mother would have done if she could. One great thing my mom did for me when I was little was that she signed me up for piano lessons and bought me a piano. Piano was my friend. I used to sit with piano for hours, practicing and making music. I think this is what gave me some reason to have some joy.

    Then, as about 12 years old I started to reason things much better and I have decided that if I suffer so much for this religion, it must be true. All these teachings on Jesus being persecuted too and so on.....So at 12 I started to take this faith very seriously and joined as an unbaptized publisher- full time service. My weekends have been devoted to "field service" of course always worried who will call police on us etc....

    I had no friends - none at all, except my boy cousin who was also a JW. He was exactly my age, and also very brainwahsed at home by his parents. ( His father was my moms brother and it was my mother who witnessed to him and got him to be baptized). This boy cousin is actually a DEVOTED JW till this very minute - he is in Serbia as a "misionary" and I think he just got "promoted" to be a CO there. He heard last week from my JW sister that I became an "apostate" and that gave him a lot of grief....I am sure I wont hear from him ever again..

    My first three years in High School were very difficult, as this was the time when kids like to socialize and have friends, but what was worse- I fell in love!

    Here I was - full time minister and in love with a non witness.We were like Romeo and Juliet togehter ( except sex, for real!) It was this young man that I owe so much right now ! While in high school, i was an exceptional student, all A's- 4.0 GPA ( by american standards). My boyfriend saw this and he was begging me to continue to higher education.He knew my religion, he saw the ostracism and sufferring, but he loved me so much! I begged him to become a witness- I knew that if he does not, we will not be together, as my mother would never allow this relationship. Yet, he tried just the opposite- he tried to show me that this religion is not good for me. He begged me to search things out. What bothered him the most, was that I wanted to go to be a full time pioneer after high school, but he wanted me to continue to college.

    One day at the piano lesson , my private piano instructor informed me that I was signed up for the local piano competetion and that I have to compete. I agreed , not knowing what all will come out of this one competetion... Well I won that thing, and I had to go comptete to a state level. It was then that i learned- it was Robert ( my boyfriend) that have asked my piano instructor to sign me up for the competetion. I used to play a lot of piano for Robert and he just loved Beethoven! So much so that to this very day i am devoted to Beethoven's music- because Robert loved him so much.

    It was actually a piano sonata by L.V. Beethoven- "Tempest" that won me that first place trophy.This is when the problems began. Congregation elders learned that I am preparing for the state competetion and came to talk to my mother. They reasoned that if I do that - I devote so much time to piano and my field service will suffer. My mother promised them that she will talk to me.

    Hoops- got ot go! Sorry

  • tenyearsafter

    Interesting story...I am looking forward to the next installment.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Keep 'em coming, phoebed...


  • tec

    You sure you're not a writer, lol? That's a great cliffhanger to keep people waiting for the next 'chapter'!

    Can't wait.


  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Aw man, I was hooked on your story... please post asap! thanks for sharing


  • deep-blue-sea

    Wow, what an experience. In love with Robert, with the WT, with Beethoven....too many to love!!!

    ..Well, I'm waiting for the third part...

    Regards, Claudia

  • Cadellin

    Phoebed--you get right back here, missy!! Don't leave us dangling...

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