Prewritten talks? (And hello again btw)

by Lore 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lore

    Hey I've posted here before several years ago as a different user. Hello again everyone!
    I didn't feel like recovering my old password, I realized that I could technically be tied to my real name with that account information if one of my family members were to google me, plus I hated that username anyway. So I just made a new account!

    Anyway, I'm still living with my family and they still don't know I'm an atheist. So not much has changed over the past few years except that I now have high speed internet access and live in a much nicer house. So it's much less intolerable to keep it a secret.

    So I have the number 3 talk this week about: "How Do Jehovah's Witnesses arrive at their explainations of the Bible?"

    And I don't feel like wasting my time preparing it. Does anyone know of a good place to either listen to recorded meetings, or get pre-prepared talks?

  • Lore
  • james_woods
    So I have the number 3 talk this week about: "How Do Jehovah's Witnesses arrive at their explainations of the Bible?"
    And I don't feel like wasting my time preparing it.

    Pardon me for asking, but why do you feel like wasting your time giving it?

  • Lore

    Pardon me for asking, but why do you feel like wasting your time giving it?

    Cause I'll be at the meeting anyway to keep up appearances. So that time is already set aside to be wasted.

  • Ding

    This could be a one-sentence talk: "Jehovah's Witnesses arrive at their explanations of the Bible by reading Watchtower publications and believing whatever they say."

    The talk could be expanded to include a second sentence: "The writers of Watchtower publications arrive at their explanations of the Bible by reading Watchtower publications."

    The talk could be expanded to include a third sentence: "The GB can change the Watchtower's explanations of the Bible by a 2/3 vote whenever they like a different explanation better."

  • ClassickConcept

    You could also say they use scientific evidence when its convienent and rebuke it when its harmful

  • carla

    "How Do Jehovah's Witnesses arrive at their explainations of the Bible?"-Simple and I've never even been a jw!

    Answer or talk- We arrive at all of our explanations by reading what the gb, a collection of old (did I say old? I meant wise) men in NY decide to tell us what to believe this week. Though what we believe could indeed change by the next printing of our publications we will whole heartedly embrace any and all changes because our god likes to change his mind a lot! And even if the boys in NY get it wrong, it's ok, they didn't mean to mislead millions of people and affect peoples lives with any malice. It was a simple mistake anybody could have made. We speak for God or at least WE try to not like all those unbelievers who think they can read the Bible by themselves! ha! just go a head and try it! if you do you will revert to what Christianity has been teaching all along! No my friend, you don't want any of that Holy Spirit stuff leading you astray of what our men in Ny have to say! Stay tuned for next weeks talk where we discuss our firing of the Holy Spirit, err I mean.... let's move on with a special needs talk by Brother Pompousass.

  • Lore

    Seriously though, nobody knows of any website where you can download recorded meetings?

    A list of kingdom halls with tie lines so I can listen on someone else give it?
    Some kind of resource of ministry school parts?

    I already have the talk thrown together for tonight, but it'd be nice to know if these resources exist for future refference.

  • Honesty

    Why don't you just call in sick and be done with it.

    I don't think they can dock your pay when you are sick, can they?

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