"What Would Jesus Buy???" On Sundance Channel in about 3 hours...

by ziddina 2 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ziddina

    Hello, everybody!!!

    Well, Sundance Channel has done it again!!! The people who brought you "Worlds Apart", the Danish movie based on a young Jehovah's Witness girl's disfellowshipment and shunning, are bringing you another good movie...

    THIS one, however, is much more humorous!!!

    "What Would Jesus Buy???" is "This entertaining, satirical documentary follows performance artist and political activist Bill Talen (AKA "Reverend Billy") and members of the "Church of Stop Shopping Choir" as they go on a cross-country crusade against the commercialization of Christmas."

    Hope that anyone who's interested can catch this - I think it's pretty entertaining!!!


  • ziddina


  • Butterflyleia85

    I didn't know there was a movie about a JW girl disfellowshipped... is it a movie I could get on netflix, is this an American movie that I can even get here? "Worlds Apart" is it called? hmm I'm going to look it up.

    How are you Ziddina by the way? :)

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