Fill in the blanks on JW Memorial history

by kairos 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • kairos

    Sorry if this has been covered, I am not able to access the search function since the new site version.

    The Topic:
    When did JWs start observing instead of partaking?

    I'm embarrassed to admit I don't know this.

    I would guess in the early 30's when the little flock/great crowd/we're JW's doctrines were implemented.

    Please include references to the publications in your answers!

    ( did that sound like a desperate plea for comments on the service meeting? I hope so... )

  • flipper
    ----------------------,------------------------,----------------------- . There is nothing to fill in the blanks with, it's a mindless cult. Peace out, mr. Flipper
  • Crazyguy
    Yep the 30s, what's crazy is for awhile the great crowd the jonadabs weren't even invited to the memorial. Talk about exalting themselves the Little flock that is. Then if anyone partook after 1935 new ones or born_ins they were considered metal, yet in 2007 they changed the teaching so new GB 's could be of the anointed. Why this crap doesn't wakeup more is beyond me.
  • kairos
    Yes, of course, just trying to wrap my head around the history that I chose to ignore for 25 years...
  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    “On November 15, 1934, the book Jehovah … on page 182 still expressed belief in a secondary spiritual class, yet expected to come out of Babylon the Great. … Thus this secondary class of spirit-begotten spiritual Israelites was still diverting the attention of the remnant late in 1934 and was taking a place of greater importance than the Jonadabs or earthly ‘other sheep’ class, who were to be marked in their foreheads. (Ezek. 9:4) So these marked ones were not specifically invited to attend the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Nisan 14, 1935.” (The Watchtower announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, February 15, 1966, pages 119-120)

    “In the congregations of Jehovah’s people larger privileges of service were opened to the members of the Jonadab class or “great multitude” when the Watchtower issue of May 1, 1937, page 130, announced concerning the companies or congregations: “… Let the Jonadabs be placed on the service committee and give them opportunity to serve.” … At the celebration of the Lord’s Supper following the above announcement … the Jonadabs were specifically invited to attend as companions of the remnant on April 15, 1938. – The Watchtower, February 15, 1938, page 50” (The Watchtower announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, February 15, 1966, page 121)


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Please excuse me for being a little pedantic.

    The anointed were given the name "Jehovah's witnesses" in 1931. As the "anointed" they had been required to partake of the bread and fermented red wine for a long time.

    The "great multitude" as is now understood did not exist until 1935. They were not called "Jehovah's witnesses", as that title was limited to the "anointed". From my research, I believe that the "great multitude" were assigned the name "Jehovah's witnesses" in 1948.

    I am in the final throes of working on a Study which you might find relevant. I normally release my Studies at the Biblical research part of this site, but in this instance I will also publicise it at this "friends" section.

    Send me a pm if you wish.


  • kairos

    I'm sorry i lost track of this topic.

    Great info, thank you.

    Please post any relevent research you might think would help a doubting JW.

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