Towing Jehovah

by ThiChi 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThiChi

    Hey, I just ordered this book, "Towing Jehovah." Any out there read it yet? Sounds like a gas..........

    ""A past winner of the World Fantasy Award, Morrow could easily claim another prize, for the year's most outlandish fictional premise, if there were prizes for such things. When God Himself drops dead, leaving His two-mile-long corpse floating face up in the Atlantic, former sea captain Anthony Van Horne is recruited by a grieving archangel to haul the Corpus Dei to an icy tomb at the North Pole. Eager to redeem himself for indirectly causing the century's worst oil spill, Van Horne resumes command of his newly repaired supertanker, the Carpco Valparaiso, and speeds north with God in tow. Already faced with protecting the corpse against marauding predators from the air and the sea, Van Horne confronts a series of setbacks as absurd as the notion of his divine cargo--setbacks such as a plot by a rescued feminist castaway to bomb and sink the patriarchal corpse for the good of womankind. Writing a brand of masterfully understated comic prose all his own, Morrow is a genius, and this book is one of the most deliciously irreverent satirical sprees in years.""

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • Valis

    Towing Jehovah is a great book. Terribly funny and has some profound statements about man's relationship w/Dog.

  • ThiChi

    Valis: You are on the ball, Bro! You had the scoop on Magic Christian movie/soundtrack, you read cool books, Man, if you are ever in the Palm Desert area, drinks are on me bro......glad you post!!

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • Francois

    Have any of you read, "Fup the Duck"? It's a book for the truly disturbed.

  • Valis

    ThiChi, you never know when you might get a visit from the District Overbeer.

  • ThiChi

    Francois: Never heard of it! give some background, if you wish...please

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Towing Jehovah is a really good book. The sequel is not quite as good, but Towing is a real hoot. I highly recommend it to anyone not afraid of iconoclasm. It's not the most reverent approach to God .

  • Hmmm

    I read it a few years ago. I felt like an apostate for reading a book with Jehovah in the title that wasn't from the Society.


  • circe2

    I liked "Towing Jehovah" very much.

    MD is right, the sequel "Blameless in Abaddon" isn't as good, but I still enjoyed it.

    I own, but haven't read the third book in the trilogy "The Eternal Footman".

    James Morrow also wrote "Only Begotten Daughter" which was interesting.

    I also own, but haven't read "Bible Stories for Adults".

    As you can see, I'm a James Morrow fan.


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