When you leave the Mormon church ...

by sacolton 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    they tell those leaving that "Satan is buffeting you" as to incite guilt. Not that different from the Jehovah's Witnesses, eh?

    A quote from the ex-Mormon site:

    My mormon ex-wife is kicking my son out of the house because he doesn't agree with her religious views. She's already kicked out my daughter for the same reason, but strangely enough she's still collecting child tax benefits for both of them. She's the most dis-honest person I've ever met.

  • GrandmaJones

    I am struck with the similarities between the Mormons and JW's.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Aren't cults just wonderful Sacolton?

    As for similarites: They were both started by 19th century nutters that claimed their writings were from God. Both were groups might have not got that big if they hadn't been taken over by strong men upon the deaths of the founders. Both groups claim that they are the one true religion. Both groups go door to door although dubs don't have cool bicycles.

    One of the main differences is that the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City is a lot prettier at Christmastime then the Watchtower headquarters in NY.

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