Permanent students of the Watchtower beware!

by Marie B. Paraison 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marie B. Paraison
    Marie B. Paraison

    Whenever a student enrolls in an institution of learning he/she works hard at learning because the student looks forward to graduation. Your study of the Bible is the prime thing, but do you lower your standard in this respect? Does Jehovah/Yah has a lower expectation of you than your educators at your school? I am convinced from scripture that religion is only a training ground, not a permanent nesting place.(Hebrews 10 :24) tells us we should meet together to "love and fine work". What is obvious is that religion has become a very, very uncomfortable experience. Negative emotions run very deep during religious meetings and the Kingdom Hall is not an exception. The lack of love is number one complaint at any church and Kingdom Hall.

    Teaching is the work of the Holy Spirit. Something would be wrong with me if I relied on another person to have all the knowledge of God, and assign me to the status of a student for life. The word of God does not make this distinction. ( 1Corinthians 3:16): " Do you not know that you people are God’s temple, and that the spirit of God dwells in you?"God’s Holy Spirit is equally available to each and everyone. Anybody who has been able to receive this measure of God’s Spirit should be able to teach others how they can best receive the indwelling Holy Spirit themselves, and not be content to keep other people as their permanent students. The Watchtower is doing you a disservice, because the Governing Body is not teaching you how to become proficient in your relationship with Jehovah/Yah, and how to become independent from this training.

    FYI— watch a 10:33 sc video on how mind control tactics bid a person’s commitment. The commercial system uses these tactics also in a number of ways to recruit members or buyers. I was flabbergasted! It was passed on to me. I am sure you will want to see it. ( type) /v/ebk5akor2fw

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  • Ding

    Everything is organizational in Watchtowerland.

    "Holy spirit" is an impersonal force that supposedly directs the organization, not individual JWs.

  • NeonMadman

    Even when I was a JW, it used to bother me that their study program was so shallow. We used to go over the same books over and over again in the book study. That made no sense to me. If we had covered certain material, why did we not go on to more detailed or deeper material? I reasoned that, in school, if I passed Algebra 1, they didn't say to me, "Well, there might have been some points in the course that you missed, so we're going to have you take the course over again to be sure you really understand it." No, they would advance me to Algebra 2, or Geometry, or whatever the next course in the progression was. By learning the more dvanced concepts, the earlier concepts from the previous course would become second nature. But the Watchtower simply recycled the same material in the meetings repeatedly.

    The excuse they offered when I asked was either the one about repeating the material in case some points were missed, or else they would say something like, "there are a lot of new people in the truth now, so the material is being re-considered for their benefit." Well, that's great for them, I would think, but how about some spiritual food geared for those of us who have been around for a while?

    Now, of course, I realize that they did this because there was no deeper material available. Any really in-depth study of Scripture would have shattered their belief system. The object was not to have true "Bible students," but organizational drones. I think they may by now have sufficiently dumbed down the organization to the point where anyone who really craves serious biblical material has been weeded out, and they are left with the mindless and unquestioning.

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