Bullying/Shunning by religion

by bobld 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    One researcher defines bullying(shunning) as when a person is"exposed,repeatedly and over time to negative actions on the part of one or more persons....through words or in other ways"

    Religious Org condemn school yard bullying/shunning.Yet these same religious Org demand their members shun/bully their own members.Religions claims they have a right to shun/bully their members per the bible.They can do it under the present constitution/law.Historically religion used the bible to condemn homosexuals/same-sex marriages.

    However,we can see today the laws/constitution condemns religion against such acts.Time will tell if the constitution/laws will changed against shunning/bullying by religion.

    Bullying/shunning is a violation of a persons right----next


  • 3dogs1husband

    well bobld, my loving caring fantastic mother ( i am not being sarcastic) told my uncle today (his son is df and my sister was for years) how loving Dfing really trully is. "Thank goodness we are not alive in the time of the isrealittes, we would have had to stone our children to death.....see how lovingly jehovah has provided a way back to him....today there is still a chance." Speaks Volumes on soooo many levels.

    wowie not only will my mother shun me if I get df'd....but she would have killed me and my sis in bible times.

    my husbands family cut out his sister 20 years ago...she is dead to them.

  • Lozhasleft

    How to condone cruelty in 3 easy lessons eh? Dreadful.

    Loz x

  • LV101

    weren't evil parents stoned to death back then --- seems i liked that part!


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