BE AWARE list of JW fail Safe Routine's for October, lol

by pes0210 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • pes0210


    1) Become or be born into the organization by association.

    2) Get presurred by the local congregation for baptism, also too even at an early age. (become a member)

    3) Get convinced that any outside person with a thought other then whats published is apostate and ~~~SCARY~~~ (dread doom insues.)

    4) Get haunted by the devil & the demons if you leave (oh this one is a keeper, must have thought to themselfs this will scare the crap outa anyone to stay)

    5) Get labeled a sinner for life if disfellowshipped by all of your once only associated friends.(remember you cut off the world as friends so they are it)

    6) Give absolutley no spiritual advice to a disfellowshipped person so that person will crave some and want to return.

    7) if you leave you have no chance of eternal life, only those who are inside the ark of the organization.

    Just a short summary here for you who is thinking of joining the JW organization, use your mind for yourself and dont let trickery and treats work on you!

  • serenitynow!

    Good list. Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 7 could be part of a 12 step recovery program for JW recovery. Personally, letting go of the desire and belief in everlasting life in paradise was a first step in the right direction for me. Letting go of the fear of apostates, demon influence/possession, and fear of disfellowshipping came at various stages for me.

    You've got the beginnings of a good 12 step program here.

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