Taking brothers to court

by Listener 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    The new elders book viewpoint on this is very interesting and rather sad. Apparantely the scripture which states not to take your fellow bro's to court (1 Cor 6:1-8) is not to be taken too literally. No, in fact there are circumstances that the org has 'spiritually' determined where you can take your Bro to court, even on very personal matters. For some reason, and it is not stated why, but there are things which the org feels it has no jurisdication. This means they feel the courts would make a better legal authority/judgement than themselves even though the courts do not have bible principles to consider.

    They are:-

    Child custody and support alimony

    So according to the bible the father is the head of the family and his decision should be abided by his wife (as a sister in the congregation) but this is not the case all the time.

    Obtaining insurance compensation (it might be necessary legally in order to recieve payment from the bros insurer)

    So you can sue your brother if it results in a means to an end.

    Probating wills

    Now this one is really interesting as it means the org can sue a bro if there is a dispute

    Certain countersuits (on the basis of defending oneself)

    Oh yeah, now that a case is in court, let's fight it out!

    So there are in fact situations where the law of the land can be above the what the bible dictates, amazing and convenient.

  • brotherdan

    And notice that they say that you CANNOT take any corporation to court that is owned by Jehovah's Witnesses. This would include....THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY!

  • Mythbuster

    What about if a JW sexually abuses your kid?

  • JeffT

    They may be up against some legal issues with telling people that public courts are not an option. Either that or they don't want to look like they are trying to establish their own version of Sharia.

  • Listener

    I agree JeffT. It would complicate their lives greatly if they were to adhere strictly to what the bible says on this matter.

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