Book of Nehemiah - beginning of events up to Jesus time, abusing the flock?

by EndofMysteries 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EndofMysteries

    I read the book intersects Ezra at a few points.

    Some things I found very interesting bout it, when they were restoring or trying to restore true worship, Ezra pulled out the law of Moses. They read where foreign wives were bad, so then they sent off all their wives and sons.

    Then they read where Gebusites / or Moabites were bad for not feeding them and helping when leaving Egypt, so then they sent them all away.

    Then towards the end of Nehemiah, it's constantly,,,,"So then I found fault with", "So then I found fault with".........

    By Jesus time, it was the very strong judging going on and hypocrisy.

    The person who wrote that book, Nehemiah, was trying to do the right thing, they saw , "it is written", "it is written", so constantly going to make the changes. He keeps asking God to remember that he is trying to do the right thing while this is all going on.

    Then I ask myself, did God want them to send off their wives and children, to send off those Moabites, etc.

    It doesn't 'feel' inspired, as in his actions, perhaps only 'inspired' to show a lesson?

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