The Oasis - a forum for survivors of abuse

by Derrick 3 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Derrick

    The Oasis - a forum for survivors of abuse at the link is moderated by brothers and sisters who understand the suffering of those who have endured any kind of abuse whatsoever in the Watchtower organization at the hands of those they trusted. It is a place for abused sheep to tell the world about their unique situation, meet others who have also suffered spiritual, mental and emotional cruelty in the organization, and a place to comfort one another and simply talk.

    Every post is pre-screened by brothers and sisters who recognize the rotten fruit this organization is bearing in the form of poor mental, emotional and spiritual health. Before the post appears publicly, they review its content to protect regular forum participants from flamers and abusers.

    Participating in this forum is about trust. You need to cultivate enough trust to tell your experience for the benefit of the countless thousands of "lurkers" who pass through the site daily. Many of those lurkers are Jehovah's Witnesses who are sheltered from the realities of abuse, or simply have repressed personal abuse deep down inside of themselves. Perhaps your post will trigger something deep down that will help someone out there who has suffered similarly?

    Please be patient if there is a delay in your post appearing. The volunteers who pre-screen the posts on this forum lead busy lives in this high pressure world. They do their best to logon to the Internet and screen these posts. If you have any questions feel free to view the opening introductory post that is anchored to the top of the forum, and contact this brother. You may also email H2O which hosts this forum, at [email protected] and your email will get a response from an administrator when this email account is checked. If your email is directed specifically to this forum and not to H2O, then your email will get forwarded to a volunteer brother or sister who keeps a watchful eye on this forum.

    Although this forum is hosted by H2O, is it really an "island within an island" in that it's the ONLY H2O FORUM TO PRE-SCREEN POSTS.

    Having said this, however, many also know that I'm one of the H2O administrators. HOWEVER, I have no decision at present in the process of pre-screening and approving new postings on this forum. Pre-screening posts for public view is left in the capable hands of brothers and sisters to whom H2O has given specific network access privileges for this forum. Because they are trustworthy and willing to devote their time, IMO, you can post there with confidence.

    The Oasis - a forum for survivors of abuse is accessible at and listed on the menu of forums at This forum's basic charter is duplicated below.

    Forum: The Oasis - a forum for survivors of abuse

    Charter summary: Sadly there are many in and out of the Watchtower who have been victims of abuse - sexually, physically and emotionally. This space is for survivor's of such abuse to talk, to share, to vent and to support others who have suffered similarly. This forum is not for wannabe therapists (as well-intentioned as some may be), those looking for converts or trying to bring them closer to Jesus or any other diety. It is also not for people who want survivor's to 'just get over it.' The Forum is meant to be a safe place on the net for you. All posts will be pre-approved, usually within 24 hours if not immediately, to prevent any further abuse or attacks. All participants are encouraged to use a different alias for this Forum than what is used elsewhere to ensure your privacy and safety. So too we recommend blocking your email and using the H20 Private Message feature to communicate. It is secure and cannot be traced to other personal information about you. Please read the introductory post for more cautions on 'safe' participation. [MODERATED -- posts pre-approved usually within 0-24 hours based on moderator availability]"

    URL Location:


  • sf

    This is excellent. And long overdue.

    Thank you. I will get this info up in yahoo right now. Also, I will put it on my profile.

    sKally, alamb, yet not all that silent, klass

  • Derrick

    Thanks SF you've made my day and I'm sure you've brightened the day of those with oversight over this forum.


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)


    I HOPE this IS not run by active JWs -- this QUEENIE does not that--all JWs CAN JUST PASS US BY--THANKs BUNCHES!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY SUGAR

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