Dead souls leaving voicemails

by mamalove 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamalove

    Have you heard of this before?

    I am not a believer...until this week.

    My dad (df-agnostic) told me that his wife's nephew's best friend (35 year old male, married, no kids) was killed in a motorcycle/car accident a week ago. The nephew (we will call him Jonnny) was too distraught to say goodbye at the hospital. The man who was killed was kept alive temporarily by life support, actually revived by EMS on the scene. Two days later Johnny got a voicemail (no missed call, no record of incoming call from Verizon), and as clear as day it was his friend. My step-mom came by on Tuesday and played it for me.

    "crackle sounds and then like wind on a cell phone, kind of staticky, then Hi...It's Matt RXXX....Bye." You could tell it took a lot of strain for the voice to say it. Strange pauses. It was preceded by another call 15 min before from someone else and the call was missed and time stamped. This one was not time stamped.

    I have watched those ghost shows on A&E. I have heard the spirits straining to talk. Allegedly it is a strong pull of energy to put a voice out there. So Johnny's mom called Verizon and they supposedly told her that it is not uncommon for recently dead people to channel the waves (radio?) and send messages to loved ones who are still alive.

    What do you think? I am skeptical, but I did hear it. No one really knows me, but we are not flakey people, and I find this fascinating. So what do you think? It seems so outrageous to me!

  • Violia

    I once knew a sister who swore her deceased mother called her from the grave. She was also very depressed . I used to think I had all the answers when I was a Jw. Now I know I am just as clueless as everyone else. When I hear these kind of stories I file them under GOK ( God only knows).

  • SixofNine

    I think someone is lying.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I have heard of this happening many times. I have not heard anything like this, but I have had other things happen. Unless you have them happen directly to you, it can be hard to believe. Even for me who has seen invisbile beings move things and been hugged by unseen beings.

  • VampireDCLXV

    OoooooH! Ghost stories!


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