The Bright Side Of being An Ex JW

by Darth plaugeis 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    The Family is getting ready to go to Church tonight...

    Darth won't you go tonight Please? No I'm all set...... Darth just this once it'll be fun.... No I'm all set.... I don't understand why you can't go tonight no Football on for you... come on go tonight..

    I'll tell you what, when The Whole family can say they have gone to church as many times as me... and that's all of you put together.... 4 against 1.... I'll go and until then............. HA It'll never F****NG Happen. After the Eldest of the family tried to Show me the good word from the Bible....

    30 mins later she admitted.... Darth knows the Bible better than me... I can't win.

    It was no easy task to get that kinda numbers of going to most of us.... but what a great OUT!

    Can't Argue with the Truth.... Ha I meant Truth not the Truth

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'm not exactly sure what you're rambling about, but yes, it's nice to not be obligated to go to a religious service anymore.

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