When I read that the governing body announces that Jehovah is "speeding things up"

by gubberningbody 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    and that the "work is increasing", when it clearly isn't it makes me think of this clip from Monty Python.


  • WTWizard

    Funny thing, last I noticed there are actually fewer witlesses around in the territory. Back in the late 1990s, the witlesses were around on average once every 3-4 months. Now, I see them out in field circus maybe once in 3-4 years.

    And, yet they continue to insist that things be done the same way. They know it's not working. They know they are wasting members' resources, they know they are headed for Disaster. Yet, they continue heading the same way. If Jehovah really drives his chariot like that, I don't know how the fxxx he even got his license to drive it.

  • elderelite

    LOLZ!!! GB that was funny.. monty always cracks me up and to apply it to the org.. well x2 lol

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