Kingdom Hall Rebuild on the Cheap .... Slave Labour!

by letsslatejws 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • letsslatejws

    My Father in law visited us today full of the joys of spring... He was excited to declare that he has been doing security on the Kingdom Hall quick build. He has been left alone in a portacabin / caravan on duty with a sister between the hours of 12 midnight until 6 am in the morning !!!

    I think it is disgusting that a 72 year old man is being used like this... How they can expect him to be of any good in seeing off teenage thugs is beyond me. Im also shocked he's been left alone with a sister in her 40's too !!!!

    Brothers and sisters are rallying around making up hot dinners for the workers (Free food of course for Free Services Rendered!) - What is more the JW's who are making up the food are doing a 50 mile round trip to ensure that the brothers are fed, when there is a KFC and numerous other fast food outlets on their doorstep....

    He will be on Security for another 6-8 weeks. His other jobs with include keeping an inventory of deliveries from the organisations preferred suppliers !

  • elderelite

    someone needs to talk with the elders in his hall. We just got done building a KH here and we were told, beyond a doubt that NO brother/sister combo's were to be used, unless they were married/related. on the upside its a good way to ditch service.. just sayin.

  • letsslatejws

    There definately not related. Shes black, he's white - (no offence intended but they are definately not related - lol )....

  • elderelite

    but are they married? if not somebody's dropped the ball. truly. If your FIL has privledges in the congregation he could lose them over that.

  • sabastious
    someone needs to talk with the elders in his hall. We just got done building a KH here and we were told, beyond a doubt that NO brother/sister combo's were to be used, unless they were married/related. on the upside its a good way to ditch service.. just sayin.

    lol 72 year old hanky!

    Common, give the guy a break he has to be able to do SOMETHING while he watches the teenagers steal the building supplies.


  • letsslatejws

    No there not married & they are not seeing one another. The mother in law died 2 years ago. The rosta wasnt of his own making, but designed by brothers to enable 7 or 8 different congregations to share in 24 hour security surveillance... I dont care myself that they are together but I find it totally suprising that the brothers actually put them together on a rosta!

  • elderelite

    again, should have never happened. ESPECIALLY given he is a widower.. bad bad theocracy. as for sab.. there is no room for a "break" in God's organization. Satan the Devil is like a roaring lion seeking to devour someone. We can not trust the imperfect flesh

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    That seems very odd, JW's are usually obsessed about anything that might give the appearance of impropriety. To put an unmarried couple together for several hours -at night- just seems (for them) to be totally inappropriate.

    Then again, with the constant dumbing down of the org, maybe its just to be expected. Do you think they could even do things like the food service at the conventions back in the day where they fed thousands 2 or three hot meals a day? The guys running the show now are doing good to take attendance.

    No Apologies

  • WTWizard

    I see nothing wrong with having two people of the opposite sex together like that, unless you are so worried about fornication that you are going to presume they did it while on duty. However, putting someone that is not able to do the job there is beyond unreasonable. Suppose a group of people armed with assault weapons, or even knives, were to gang up on this "security" and rough them up, and later a separate group went in and stole items at the Kingdumb Hell?

  • sspo

    It's not slave labor, have you ever heard of volenteering for a cause you believe in ?

    72 years old and 40, much better than 72 and 85!!! Good for him.

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