An Organization of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit!

by wannabe 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabe

    An Organization, of Balsphemy against the Holy Spirit!

    Any False Prophet, who would make such a claim as this, quite clearly, does not understand the Holy Writings. The fact of the matter, is, such a claim would actually stamp this one as a False Prophet, and not a true Prophet of Jehovah God at all. Why can I say that with accuracy? Simply by reading the words of Jesus at Matthew 24:23. There he tells us the following: "Then if ANYONE says to you. 'Look! Here is the Christ, or "There!" do not believe it.' Now this word ANYONE is all encompassing, and leaves out no one, on this earth, during the time the sign of his coming was, in progress. So! Was the Christ to a have a Visible Spirit Directed Organization on this earth, during that time period; he never would have made such a statement as that. Was such an Organization to actually be on this earth during the time the sign of his coming was in evidence. Was it to be true, that it was, he would have told us all to believe them and follow them. But the converse to that is true; we were to belive no one who would make such a claim, nor were we to follow anyone making such a claim as that.

    Even more, in that same scripture, he foretold one Body of False Prophets, that might possibly mislead even the Chosen Ones, in these words: "For False Christs and False Prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the Chosen ones." {Matthew 24:24} In-as-much as this False Prophet might possibly mislead even the chosen ones, inevitably, they would be playing the part of Jehovah's 'Visible Spirit Directed Organization,' for by what other means could they mislead these Chosen Ones? They also, of necessity, would have to be doing a work similar to what the early Apostle's did; but being a False Prophet would not properly understand the true work that they should be doing. Through the pen of Luke, Jesus gives warning about these ones, in these following words: He said: "Look out that you are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying. 'I am He,' and the due time has approached." This would be the one Matthew predicted, would be preaching this 'Good News of the Kingdom throughout all the inhabited earth for a witness to all Nations,' just prior to the end of our sytem of things. {Matthew 24:14} Involved in this work as they would be, it would be an easy matter to mislead that part of the World not of the Chosen Class. Proof of that, are the Seven Million Witnesses of Jehovah, so called, going door-to door doing this World-Wide Preaching work. Of course the main theme of their Preaching activity is that, according to them, the Christ has been invisibly present ever since the year 1914; so as Jesus had warned they are telling everyone the 'due time has approached.' By preaching 'this Good News of the Kingdom.'

    Why is it, the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses, obviously, do not understand the true message that they should be preaching, and why, do they so easily mislead the masses of Mankind. `The Apostle Paul will answer those questions in sequence. Firstly Paul foretold, at 2 Corinthians 4:3,4, this: "If now the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things {satan the devil} has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the {Glory} of Christ, who is the image of God might not shine through." As to why they so easily mislead the masses of mankind; Paul continues: "Now what I am doing I will still do, that I may cut off the pretext from those who are wanting a pretext for being found EQUAL TO US IN THE OFFICE of WHICH THEY BOAST. For such Men are False Apostle`s, deceitful workers TRANSFORMING THEMSELVES INTO APOSTLES OF CHRIST. And no wonder, for satan himself keeps transforming himself into an Angel of Light. It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also transform them selves into ministers of righteousness. but their end shall be according to their works.{2 Corinthians 11:12-15} Paul follows up on this at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 in part: `However Brothers respecting the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be exited either through an inspîred expression or through A VERBAL MESSAGE {at your door} or through a letter {Watchtower} or {Awake} {Tracts} {Books} {Booklets} {Brochures} AS THOUGH FROM US to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. Let no one seduce you in any manner`...

    Do not miss the points, Paul is drawing on here! And remember this: The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses professes to be the 'remnant of the anointed Brothers of the Christ' that profession makes them the ones who were making a pretext, {or pretence} for being found EQUAL to the early Apostle's transforming themselves, Paul said, into Apostle's of Christ, and boasting about that, as they do, and have done for many years now. As for their inspired expressions, keep in mind, they will tell you that they are, 'Jehovah's Spirit Directed Visible Organization.' So, according to them, everything they teach, is an inspired expression from Jehovah God. Also, note Paul's words; "As THOUGH FROM US!" This verbal message, you receive at your doors, when they arrive with their very polished rehearsed Sciptural presentation, designed to wet the spiritual appetites of the householders they call on. This pretext, is a cover-up, or pretense to hide their false motives, and cover the real truth of the matter. Which when defined this word pretext reveals.

    As for the message they preach, that they are blind to the truth of; this so called, "Good News of the Kingdom." Of course, to the true followers of the Christ, this is the very best of news; but to this World in General, it is the most terrifying news they could ever hear, that will cause this World to beat themselves in grief, because of the appearance of the Christ in Kingdom power. 'All the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation,' when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven. {Revelation 1:7} {Matthew 24:29-31} Luke foretold that, "Men would grow faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, with no seeming way out, as they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory {Luke 21:25-28}

    It is common knowledge, today, that the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses takes for themselves, the seat of the Faithful Slave; but being as they claim to being the remnant of the anointed Brothers of the Christ, there would be more than one among them. Just how many, I'm not prepared to say; but certainly there would be more than one of them taking that office for themselves. But read through that scripture at Matthew 24:45 you will see that more than one is impossible. Note what that scripture does say: "Who really is the Faithful and discreet Slave whom his Master appointed over the domestics {Household} to give them their food at the proper time. Happy is that Slave {ONE SLAVE} if his master on arriving finds HIM doing so. Truly I say to you, he will appoint HIM {Not Them} over all his belongings." Did you notice? it mentions only one Slave? Then tells us that the Master will appoint HIM. So SLAVE is indicative of only one person, and the word HIM would also indicate the same thing. One single individual. Not any Body of men at all, as the Governing body would have us all believe.

    Keep in mind, according to the Governing Body, they are the remnant of the Brothers of the Christ, they are also, according to them, the appointed Faithful Slave. Was that the situation in the first Century? Was the true anointed class appointed over God's Household? What was the situation at that time? Just who was it, that was appointed OVER God's Household in the first Century, and just what position did all of the anointed class take at that time? Paul will explain that to us, take note of his words now:

    "Consequently Holy Brothers, partakers of the Heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess ----- Jesus. He was Faithful to the one that made him such, as Moses was in all the house of that one. for the latter {Jesus} is counted worthy of more Glory than Moses, in-as-much as he who constructs it has more Glory than than the house. Of course every house is constructed by someone but he that constructs all things is God. And Moses as an attendant was faithful in all the house of that one as a testimony of the things that were to be spoken afterwards, but Christ was Faithful as a Son OVER THE HOUSE OF THAT ONE.WE ARE THE HOUSE OF THAT ONE , if we make fast hold on our freeness of speech and our boasting over the hope firm to the end." So! Paul is here telling us, that it was Jesus who was that Faithful Slave, appointed OVER the house of God, and certainly never the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses as they make claim. But notice the position, all of the anointed class took in the first Century. WE, speaking for all of the anointed class, in the first Century, are THE HOUSE, said Paul. But never did he ever, make make claim to being appointed OVER IT! As does the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    One other point to establish that Jesus was the Faithful Slave, is the wording of that parable itself. Notice, it says: "Truly I say to you, he {Jehovah} will appoint him over all his belongings." Now notice the words of Paul; "God who long ago spoke on many occassions and in many ways to our forefathers by means of the Prophets, has at the end of these days spoken to us by means of a Son, whom he APPOINTED HEIR OF ALL THINGS`` ... {Hebrews 1: 1,2} So, Jesus is the Slave appointed over all of his Father's belongings. Afterall who else would be?

    So! You name the appointment, including, and foremost, in this instance, the office of the Faithful Slave, they all belong to Jesus; and to no self-inflated, self-exalted, self honoring, False Prophet, the likes of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    One of their main central teachings is framed around the Greek word Parousia which they will tell us means Presence, and while it can denote Presence, it can also denote Coming, which in the thirteen occurences in their New Worlds Translation of the Holy Scriptures, they have changed Coming to read Presence. when it should be translated, Coming in all thirteen occurences. Proof of that I found in a Greek Dictionary on the Net Bible. Notice what this source tells us, and wouldn't a Greek Dictionary that translates Parousia as Coming be a more trusted source of information? Notice what this source tells us in this matter:

    ..."More especially it may mean "presence after absence," "arrival" (but not "return," unless this is given by the context), as in 1 Cor 16:17; 2 Cor 7:6,7 ; Phil 1:26. And still more particularly it is applied to the Coming of Christ in 1 Cor 15:23; 1 Thess 2:19; 3:13; 4:15; 5:23; 2 Thess 2:1,8 ; Jas 5:7,8 ; 2 Pet 1:16; 3:4,12 ; 1 Jn 2:28--in all 13 times,I personally will opt out for this source, because i really believe, that this source would know more about this Word Parousia than those who put together the New World's Trasnslation Bible, who had an ax to grind. While the Net Bible does not. It simply states the real truth of the matter, without any prejudice what-so-ever, because they have no reason for any. While the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses does have; for to tell the real truth of the matter, their World-Wide Organanization would collapse, in short order, and they know that it would. That, though, is not the only Greek word they have tampered with. There is one more major Greek Word they have changed or tampered with to suit, or to re-inforce their self- chosen appointment of the Faithful Slave.

    They may not know the Greek Language, well enough to interpret it properly, but they are intelligent enough to know that a single word inserted into a passage can change its entire meaning and throw off all Scholarly Calculations. Let me give you an example of what I mean. I researched 20 different Bible Translations looking at Matthew 24:45 that speaks about the appointment of the Faithful Slave. The Governing Body in translating the Greek Word for HOUSEHOLD, which is, {Therapeia} translates it to read Domestics, which of course, is one of the meanings. It can also mean, "Attendants," or "Household of Servants." All twenty of these different Bible translations rendered this Greek word, Therapeia as HOUSEHOLD. which word, when read stimulates the thinking processes, and causes one to ask the quetion, as it did me "Whose Household is in question here?" That is a question the Governing Body does not want the rank and file to ask, so they insert the word Domestics, rather than HOUSEHOLD when interpreting the Greek Word Therapeia. They do this because they know, no one will ask that dreaded question."Whose Household is this?" You learn that, you blow their appointment right out of the water; because, as it turns out, it is God's Household, making the Master of that Parable Jehovah, and not Jesus. Jehovah is appointing his Faithful Slave, Jesus to that office. Look at Ephesians 2:19 and 1 Timothy 3:15 for supportive evidence that it is, God's Household in question.

    So! A False Prophet would be Jehovah's representative Spirit Directed Organization? One with a 130 year record of failed perdictions and False Prophecies? Take a Holiday, Governing Body. We're on to you, and you are coming down. Only a matter of time now, only a matter of time. But you're coming down, from your high and lofty Self appointed Thrones.

    They would try to make us all believe, that Jehovah, through his Holy Spirit has led them along a 130 year record of failed predictions and false Prophecies. That is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of the highest order. Yes! They are an Organization of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Pure and simple! Wannabe

  • Joliette

    Great post.

  • Chalam

    They would try to make us all believe, that Jehovah, through his Holy Spirit has led them along a 130 year record of failed predictions and false Prophecies. That is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of the highest order. Yes! They are an Organization of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Pure and simple! Wannabe




  • arimatthewdavies

    you people have mercy and kindness please! the average j.w. loves god and jesus and would live or die for them! jehovah god is sending help to purge out the presumtous power hungry wolves that are feeding on the sheeplike average jehovah wittnesses, i am just a messenger, i am a real wittnesses!
    i pray to god who guides me with the help of jesus and the holy spirit im the w.b.t.s. worst nightmare! i have come out of borg ville and i know how to kill the l deceptions slap dead im going to start one at a time! you guys help pass on the cures! with your help we can all get were jesus wants us,
    ALSO PLEASE EXCUSE my blank posts i have fixed the problem

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Ari, I know you from another board (though I go by a different name there). I see you have been here for a couple weeks now. Welcome.

    Just so you know, wannabe has a tendency to post VERY LONG diatribes explaining how the Borg doctrine is wrong about this or that, which 99.9% of the people here can't be bothered with reading, since we already know the Borg is wrong about pretty much everything. If people seem rude to him it is because of that, and because he rarely responds to any discussion about his initial posts. He's a drive-by poster.

    Anyway, I agree with your sentiments about mercy and kindness.

    I would caution you, however, to avoid dogmatism here. There is a diversity of thought and belief on JWN and people who think they have the answers are in for correction, sometimes harshly.

  • Chalam

    Welcome, once again arimatthewdavies!

    you people have mercy and kindness please!

    Understood. Any venting of mine is again the organisation, not JWs themselves.

    the average j.w. loves god and jesus and would live or die for them!

    Trouble is "jehovah" is a false god created by the WT and their Jesus is a false "a god" too :(

    jehovah god is sending help to purge out the presumtous power hungry wolves that are feeding on the sheeplike average jehovah wittnesses, i am just a messenger, i am a real wittnesses!
    i pray to god who guides me with the help of jesus and the holy spirit im the w.b.t.s. worst nightmare! i have come out of borg ville and i know how to kill the l deceptions slap dead im going to start one at a time! you guys help pass on the cures! with your help we can all get were jesus wants us,

    I am a witness to Jesus, His name, His life, His death, His resurrection, His Spirit.

    John 20:31 (New International Version)

    31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

    Acts 1:8 (New International Version)

    8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

    ALSO PLEASE EXCUSE my blank posts i have fixed the problem

    Grace for all our posts :)



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