What happened with the so-called "Suicidal Cult" over the weekend?

by JWoods 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWoods

    Did anybody else see this? Apparantly this is a small pseudo-christian (and apocalyptic) group under the leadership of a woman.

    Relatives found eerie left-behind notes that looked suspiciously like suicide notes when they went off for a retreat over the weekend - so the police were called and put on a full-press search in case they were about to do a Jamestown.

    They were found safe, praying in some wildlife park a few miles away. Their story was that they left the notes "in case the rapture came while they were gone, so their friends and family would know where they were".

    Does anyone know anything more about them?

  • Leolaia

    Confused cult leader held for mental evaluation after group found

    September 21, 2010

    PALMDALE, California: A religious sect's leader has been admitted to hospital for mental evaluation after she and members of her group went missing and left behind evidence they were awaiting the Rapture or some catastrophic event.

    Reyna Marisol Chicas was placed under a 72-hour mandatory hold after it was determined she was unable to care for herself or others.

    Ms Chicas was said to have given investigators a false name and rambling answers during questioning. She had told police she had no children, even though her two children were with her.

    A frantic search began after police issued an alert: members of a cult on the edge of the Mojave Desert had disappeared, leaving behind handwritten notes that raised fears they had planned a mass suicide.

    The search ended on Sunday afternoon when the women from a small breakaway religious sect were found praying with their children at a local park.

    The police had been searching the region for the five women and eight children since Saturday afternoon, after the husbands of two of the missing women brought letters their wives had left behind, in purses filled with mobile phones, identification and legal papers, to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office.

    The letters mentioned ''taking refuge'', ''going to heaven'' and wanting their families to join them.

    One husband told the police his wife and others were part of a cult-like group who had been ''brainwashed'' by Chicas.

  • JWoods

    Thanks, Leolaia. Good thing they were found before anything happened.

    The TV media sort of indicated that nothing suicidal was going on - I immediately questioned this, remembering that the Jim Jones massacre had been prepared for by preaching it and acting it out for quite some time before the actual event. Heaven's Gate also prepared for their ritual.

    Certainly, the member's husbands were concerned enough to go to the authorities, who were also concerned enough to search for them and put this leader-woman into protective custody.

    Sadly, the few followers will probably count this as persecution "from the Devil" and not be awakened at all to what they are being led into.

  • Leolaia

    In the leadup to December 21, 2012, I am sure there will be many other date-setting claims. It will be interesting to see what will happen with Harold Camping's flock, who've been putting up things like this:

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