Amazing re-connect with some old friends that are now EX-JW

by troubled mind 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Last night I had the privilege of meeting up with a whole family we use to be friends with years ago in the Congregation . They had all come back from across the country to attend a family wedding .Because of facebook I was able to get in contact with them once again ,and make plans to see them when they were back in the area

    This is a family that left back in the 1990's . Family of six, Father was an Elder ,daughter a pioneer . Back then their older girls babysat our kids ,and their younger sons were best friends of my husbands brother . Mom and Dad were my in laws best friends .

    I was pretty niave back in those days, and busy raising our babies so we were not in the "loop" so to speak of what was really going on behind the scenes in the hall at that time . I knew something big had happened because the Elder body was broken apart, some removed and a committeee of outside Elders came in to discipline and give a special talk to the congregation ,mainly on gossip . Last night some of the missing peices of the puzzle were put into place for me . I think it was an eye opener for my husband to hear the truth of how things really were in the congregation . I don't need to go into detail ,but it was another example of how things in this organization are based on people egos , pride ,and NOT God's holy spirit .

    It was interesting to hear each of the family members explain their defining moment when thery realized it was not the truth after all . They each faded away at different times for their own personal reasons . Back then just as it is today in the hall when someone stops going you just assume they are weak..., and I know I was guilty of thinking that and for not trying to really find out why they had faded . I listened to gossip and assumed it was correct about them .....sad that i was once that way .

    They are all happy now with their choice each in a different place ,but content . We all agreed it was very special to speak to someone from our past that knew our history, and could truly understand where the other one was coming from .

    I couldn't make the exjw meetup in Chicago this weekend ,but it turns out I had my own ! lol

    It really lifts my spirits to connect with others I knew as a witness that are now free too .


    Great how the internet can connect people. I'd love to catch up with some people and families who I know have left.

    I recently emailed an ex-jw I discovered on the net. They had a tough time in the truth and thankfully have made a huge success of their life. They haven't replied - I think because I'm from that chapter in their life they want to forget (they've excluded any reference to being a JW in any interviews etc).


  • mamalove

    That is so neat! I am very happy for you!

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