Questions after Statements

by IMHO 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • IMHO

    Anyone an expert in English Grammar?

    Why do the JW writers (annoyingly IMO) so often use a one word question after a statement.

    For example:

    Full-Time Service ProtectsUs — How?

    Why not say:

    How Full-Time Service Protects Us.

  • brotherdan

    Not a grammatical expert...but if they make the statement first, you're supposed to believe it, and then ask the question, How. They want you to think that full time service IS a protection first.

  • Ding

    It's a rhetorical question to make the readers think they really want to read about the topic, as if they had asked the question.

    As Brotherdan points out, it also distracts the reader from asking, "Is this true?"

    Example: "Christendom is False Religion -- How?"

    You can often spot a dub or ex-dub by their writing by the presence of one of these two questions: "How so?" and "Why so?"

    They THINK in this Watchtower lingo.

    Along these lines, I've often suspected that the "Questions from Readers" are made up at Bethel to heighten interest by making readers think someone like them has come up with the question.

    Maybe some ex-Bethelites can address that.

  • Pat_4037

    That's a great question and observation. Why? One could add "or why not? Then you encourage thinking.

    Seriously I will try to be more observant regarding this form of communication. I agree that by making a statement first you avoid open dialog and appear to be speaking the truth of the matter. When in reality it may be your truth but not someone else's.

    Blessings - Pat

  • bohm

    This is really a good observation. I have made fun of this grammatical structure before because it was quaint, but i didnt think of it in the way brotherdan and ding described.

  • rocketman

    I've often been annoyed (and embarassed) at this construct - the embarassment came when offering the mags in field service.

    Good thread - Why? :)

  • carvin

    Excelant Brotherdan, great explanation. It is almost like - "Full time service protects us! Oh, so you don't believe that? How? do you ask, well then read this magazine you weak, faithless unbeliever. It is putting the conclusion before the hypothisis, ending all questions and reasoning. Just like their blanket statements to cover any of their beliefs - "Everythinking person knows the Trinity is a false doctrine....." if you question it then you are not a thinking person.

    There is always a theme in the WT titles. Look back to the late 90's early 2000's and notice a large amount of titles that seemed to show dispaire. "Will suffering ever end?", "Will there ever be peace?". Before that was, all religions are bad. Now, as has been said on the board many times, The GB is great, follow us, obey, obey, obey. When that tactic starts to fade they will have anotherone, or reuse an old one.

  • Heaven

    I think their motive is to plant the idea first and then have you start thinking of how or why that is true. When you read what their justifications are, you eventually come to believe and think the way they do so you can answer the question before actually reading the rest of the article. It's an indoctrination strategy. Unfortunately, for them, I never agreed with their answers.

    Hey, I've got a question after a statement... here goes... ahem:

    The WTS Sucks -- Who Wants a Beer?

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