Russia "Persecuting" Jehovah's Witnesses

by ziddina 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Help!! Is there anyone on board who has the following information???

    In the past, when Jehovah's Witnesses have been persecuted around the world, the Watchtower Society has passed out the addresses of the government officials and/or ambassadors of the offending country, along with a 'sample' letter giving the Rank&File a model to base their "letters of protest" upon...

    I remember clearly that this happened when the Watchtower Society set the Malawian Jehovah's Witnesses up to be persecuted - er, I mean, when "Satan" 'inspired' the Malawian government to attack its own people over a simple U.N. Library card - er, over a card that identified the individual Malawian Witnesses as inhabitants of that country...

    I clearly remember the 'sample' letter - perhaps it was in a "Kingdom Ministry" instead of an "Awake" or "Watchtower" magazine - and I even remember writing a letter or two in protest and sending it in....

    So, my question is this: Has anyone seen ANYTHING in recent Watchtower publications - and probably within an INTERNAL publication, like the aforementioned "Kingdom Ministry" pamphlet - that gives the names and addresses of Russian government officials to whom the Rank&File are to write 'protest' letters???

    If so, could you PLEASE post those names and addresses here, as I would like to send them a few letters - with suggestions - of my own...

    Thank you in advance!!


  • ziddina

    P.S. I've skimmed through the recent threads on the subject, but haven't found that information, so far....

    If such information WAS posted to a previous thread, could you give me a link to the thread and a page number?? Thanks!

  • WTWizard

    What the witlesses really want is to get more people in those lands (countries) into the cancer. The governments are doing something right for a change, and often it is because they realize the whole religion is a scam. Then they get protests from everywhere else to allow this scam the freedom to get more people into it, in the name of "freedom of religion". Witlesses also lie in court to get legal recognition--how often you see them telling of normal dreams in these cases, while they tell of goals of Beth Hell or pio-sneering at the a$$emblies? This also explains why the Kool-Aid washtowels are supposed to be for members only.

    Meanwhile, the witlesses in lands where they are free to spread their legalized scam persecute anyone that doesn't join. They are called all sorts of bad things behind their backs unless they join, and threatened with death and destruction. If they look into it, they are hounded to persist and continue until they are baptized, at which point their lives will be ruined if they decide to leave or they break one of the stupid rules. If they don't progress, they are threatened with death and destruction "at any time". And, children born in the cancer are expected to get baptized young--like 6 years old, under threat that they will otherwise die "very soon".

    I think it should be "Jehovah's Witlesses Persecuting Russia". (And everyone else that doesn't join.)

  • PSacramento

    Being told to follow the govermental rules that ALL religions have to follow is NOT persecution.

    It's secular law and what did Jesus say about that?

    Give to Caesar what is Caesar.

    Rules are rules and they have to be followed, as the GB would agree.

  • ziddina

    Riiiight, guys...

    I KNOW that...

    I just want to know whether anyone still going to the Kingdom Halls has been given instructions by "Mother" to send letters of protest to Russia and, if so, WHERE to send them...

    Because, as I stated at the beginning of this thread, I want to send in a few suggestions and comments of my own...

    I will not elaborate further at THIS point, because the element of surprise will be vital...

    As for WTWizard and PSacramento, thanks for commenting, but COME ON, guys!! Or guys and gals....

    Surely you know me better than THAT???

    Zid - the resident she-devil , just in case some of you have forgotten that...

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