Mindfield - What is god - Jan 13

by Cath 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Cath

    I was just going back through some of the older recent material to see what I may have missed and I came across this question - What is god?
    Better late than never I suppose.
    I no longer believe in god as a seperate entity but believe in a life force that is within each of us and everything else on this planet and also the planet itself.
    That got me to thinking about the origin of life also as He is said to have created us but as I dont believe in Him where DID we come from.
    In my search I came across this site - http://www.spiritweb.org - which has a section on Channellings. The channellers name is John Payne and if you scroll thru his stuff to his seminar called Manifesting with Joy (you'll need Real Player) and have a listen to the thing, then to the question time at the end it is quite interesting and thought provoking. It talks about the origins of life.

    If you are sceptical or dismissive from the start let it pass and have a listen. If nothing else you will get a laugh but if you are serious then hang out and you may find the closest you will get to an answer.
    The seminar may even help you get what you want in every-day life.
    I hope this helps some-one even if it is only to help them have a laugh.

    BTW does anyone remember a thread that refuted the existence of Jesus as we have come to know him and drew parallels between him and Buddah, Isis and a few of the other gods.
    The post was only in the last 2-3 months but I can't remember the name of it and I desperately want to send it to my still active JW family along with a few other facts. I have looked thru and can't locate it.
    Please if anyone knows I would really appreciate a reply.

    Thanks in advance

  • mindfield

    Hi there cath. Well, I haven't really thought about the existence of God since I posted that thread, but your post brought up some interesting issues.

    It occured to me, as I read your ideas on God as a life force, that what we individually believe God to be isn't that big a question. Some could take their entire lives to answer the question "What is God", and have totally different answers than others. The question that raises, then, is answering the existence of God that big a deal?

    I think atheists have one of the most base viewpoints. Not in the negative sense. After all, whether or not you believe in a God, spiritual, physical, metaphysical or otherwise, won't change the way you live your life unless, of course, you want it to. My intention in this argument is not to insult the Christians among us, but rather to demonstrate that it's our beliefs that build our life.

    My belief, I decided, is that I don't give a damn about God. (well, no thunderbolt hit me... I'm surprised!) His form of existence, if any, is non-sequential to me. He may be my next door neighbour, or he may be within me, or he may be some supernatural entity in space. It doesn't matter to me.

    Thanks for bringing this back up!

  • Ephesians6

    What is God?? God is Spirit, God is all Knowing, all powerful, everywhere present. All people will meet with Him one day. Get ready Get ready for the comming Day.

  • SixofNine

    I suspect the first question God is going to ask all believers, when and if they ever meet Him, is "why did you spend your life making shit up about me?". If they reply, "why Lord, I didn't make stuff up!", perhaps He will review their chart, and say, "hmmm, well you sure went round spreading shit other people had 'just made up' about me! now WHY?".

    Are you prepared, Ephesus?

  • Ephesians6

    Yes six-minus-nine I am ready. I know the truth about Him, I;ve taken the time to look at the evidence that He has made. Get ready Get ready for the coming day.

  • SixofNine

    you're just makin' this stuff up, aren'tcha?

  • Bang

    Emmanuel - God with us, that's how He is called. We can call upon His name and be saved, as do those in many religions / beliefs - God who is in us, and in our midst. What de-scription do we require ?

    When He removed the power of demons (what troubled people), He would ask "what is your name?", and the demons became de-scribed - taken away from the label - truly named, not 'just figured' by us, an image of our justice. When the WT society speaks by their own author-ity and says 'demon', it's only a label, an unknown name, scribed (even pre-scribed) by them .
    The true Author-ity is His, holy scripture, good food to chew on, but goats will continue to take that food from the sheep before they get to it - they had sufficient, for kindness etc.

    Anyway, 'life force' doesn't really do it for me. Sounds like 'what' rather than who. But hey, maybe it works for some.

    In the 'house' we may find Jesus and Mary. Jesus who is Emmanuel, the child of God who is worshipped because we worship the Father, and Mary - those who give birth to God are also dear to us, our welcome brethren.
    "And entering the house they found the child with Mary His mother".

    'You know', whenever the angel came with good news, the first thing would be "don't be afraid" (apparently 365 times in the bible), yet many come and say "be afraid". Strangely, in their heart of hearts they can seem unsure, the 'yes is no' or 'no is yes' - it comes from the evil one or not the good part of them.

    Don't be afraid of Him, fear Him and get into it, live in Creativity, don't hide that 'talent'.


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