Joey's trip to the library

by Joey Jo-Jo 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    In relation to this thread, the destruction of Jerusalem 607BCE

    I'm doing my own research on this date, majority (98%) of sources points to 587BCE, I'm still studying JW enterpretation of bible chronology and other books but so far there seems to be little support for 607BCE.

  • sabastious

    You say 98%, where is the 2% secular support of 607?


  • Invetigator74

    Little support??? How's about none!!

  • Ding

    For those who may not know, Carl Olof Jonsson was an elder in Sweden. He got challenged at the door to prove the 607 date.

    His research proved definitively that there was no historical support for that date at all.

    He sent his research in to the GB.

    They told him to say nothing but to wait on Jehovah's organization.

    After plenty of time went by, Carl realized that they were just deep sixing his report, hoping he'd forget about it and go away.

    He published his notes as a book, The Gentile Times Reconsidered.

    JWs, go get the book, look at the research and show any historical evidence that he's wrong.

    Why is this important?

    It means the key 1914 date of the WTS is off by 20 years (even assuming that 2520 years from the date the Babylonians destroyed the temple means anything at all).

    If 1914 is wrong, then the WTS' "invisible presence of Christ" claim is wrong, and its claim to be the "faithful and discreet slave" is fantasy.

  • sabastious

    ^ But WWI..... and hellfire isn't real! Plus the preaching werk!


  • read good books
    read good books

    Did anybody check Mad Magazine to see if they confirm the 607 B.C. date?

  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    as a witness i could never bring myself to lay out the cronology to anyone about 607 to 1914 bull. thereis so much assumption based on speculation it was embarrasing. good research joe too bad they are all apostate books. ha

  • yesidid

    Well done. Thank you Jo Jo.

  • sir82
    You say 98%, where is the 2% secular support of 607?

    Yeah that was my question - what are the names of the books that comprise the 2%?

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