Armageddon Quietly Arrives

by cameo-d 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    Jehovah Hurls Fireball

    Apparently the big day is being heralded as Jehovah hurls a fireball to alert everyone.

    In a special interview, a representative known as "god's mouthpiece on earth" relates a rumor he heard that Jehovah intended the initial fireball to illuminate the Brooklyn area so the world would take note that they are god's special people.

    But in a secret interview with station KRAP, Michael Jahacques Mishaushaw, says "God's mouthpiece Organization has not been accurately reporting for some time now. Actually, not ever." Michael also says the fireball was intended to show Brooklyn, the self proclaimed mouthpiece, that when you play with fire you are gonna get burned."

    Michael Jahacques Mishaushaw also said to remind the ex-JWs that when you shine a light in the corner, the cockroaches will run, and to say that they have been doing a good job with exemplyfing how bright the light is going to get!

    Jehovah also wants to assure his fans that there will be no more delay. He promises not to miss next time and says that he's just getting warmed up because he's a little rusty and has been out of practice with the theatrics for awhile.

    Michael also says that no one can know the day or hour because Jehovah is on Tico Time.

    (don't know why my youtubes are not embedding. Can someone PM me why? Can someone post the show, please?)

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