No Jesus ... No Salvation, Know Jesus ... ???

by wannabefree 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabefree

    Where's Waldo Jesus?

    The Watchtower is hiding Jesus again as far as salvation goes. Nothing new I suppose.

    The Watchtower, November 15, 2010 - Jehovah is Our Sovereign Lord!

    Page 26, Paragraph 13

    To escape being destroyed along with God's enemies, we must prove loyal to Jehovah's sovereignty. How can we do so? By keeping separate from Satan's criminal rule and refusing to be intimidated by his agents. (Isa. 52:11; John 17:16; Acts 5:29) Only under those circumstances can we uphold our heavenly Father's sovereignty and have the hope of being spared when Jehovah clears his name of reproach and demonstrates that he is the Universal Sovereign.

    .... did you find Jesus in there? Paragraph 17 alludes to the keeping of law. They should put one of those red and white striped shirts like Waldo wears on Jesus so people can find him in the magazines.

  • Honesty

    They deny Jesus.

    It's a satanic cult.

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