Frail grasp on the big picture

by startingover 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    Don Henley's lyrics always impress me. In the song "Frail grasp of the big picture" from their latest double CD, the following lyrics really hit home with me, especially this part:

    And we pray to our Lord
    Who we know is American
    He reigns from on high
    He speaks to us through middlemen
    And He shepherds His flock
    We sing out and we praise His name
    He supports us in war
    He presides over football games
    And the right will prevail
    All our troubles shall be resolved
    We hold faith above all
    Unless there's money or sex involved

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    I always thought Don Henley had a unique way with words. I'll have to check out the latest CD, I knew it was out, just haven't got a chance to pick it up.

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