Doomsday thinking impacts health

by chickpea 2 Replies latest social current

  • chickpea

    this could explain a LOT about the JW maladies.....

    from an article on "7 thoughts that are bad for you"

    Gloom and Doom

    The gloomy, inhibited person is not just at a disadvantage socially, but also physically.

    A preliminary study of more than 180 patients suffering from peripheral arterial disease (plaque buildup in the arteries) showed participants with so-called type D, or distressed, personality, had an increased odds of dying sooner than other people. Type-D people are more likely to experience negative emotions while at the same time hold in their feelings.

    The researchers, who detail their work in the August issue of the journal Archives of Surgery, suggest the personality type is linked with the body's immune system as well as stress response system.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I totally agree, I grew up thinking at any minute Jehovah could kill me. Even as a little kid six, seven years old I knew Jehovah hated me because he hated my parents. I knew Jehovah hated my parents because the elders hated my parents. All I heard was the systems end was so close and those not serving Jehovah the way he wanted would be killed. The elders were always having my parents in the back room yelling at them for something right in front of me as a small child. I thought I was doomed.

    I grew up and tried to do everything perfect, pioneer, married an elder, Bethel nothing was good enough.

    I suffer depression now as an adult and I know it is from all that crap I went through. How can you not grow up depressed thinking you can never please God enough.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    The health of my family has suffered because of the teachings of borg. We even lost a relative to the blood doctrine. The family is generations deep into this and their emotional and mental health has definitely been impacted for the worst.

    When I look back on my "years of faithful service" I shudder. Much of the depression and inertia I experienced is directly related to the beliefs instilled in my youth.

    edited: the gloom & doom, anxiety and fretting definitely describes my general disposition pre exit.

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