How to Get Rid of Witnesses

by gilwarrior 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gilwarrior

    If you want to stop Witnesses from coming to your door, here are some questions that will make them uncomfortable:

    1) If your child got into an accident, would you rather let your child die then accept a blood transfusion?

    2) (If the person has been a Witness for than 26 years.) Were you disappointed when the world did not end in 1975 like the Watchtower said it would?

    3) How to you feel about Kingdom Halls that knowingly harbor child molesters?

    4) If someone in your family stopped being a Witness would you shun them and not talk to them for the rest of your life like the Watchtower organization said your should?

    5) How do you feel about the Watchtower constantly changing their rules?

    6) How do you feel about the fact that the Watchtower was associated with the United Nations, even though the Watchtower has condemned the UN as one of the scarlet beasts in Revelation.

    7) Have you noticed that the Watchtower magazines have been more friendly twords the UN in the past years?

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • bigfloppydog

    This is some really good ideas to ask when they land at your door, sometimes it's hard to know what to say, fortunately they haven't come aknockig at my door. If they do i surely will keep these statements in mind, especially about harbouring child molesters, which I had no idea that this happened.Thanxs for sharing this message.

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