another Hypocritical article?

by booby 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • booby

    Reading a resurrected post from Carla today took me to the following article. Especially with the attitude manifest toward the world and the worldly courts by the society is it not hypocrisy of the highest order to go to a court ruling to support the shunning policy. Especially since they know full well that the courts and law of the land separate the state and religion.

    *** w88 4/15 p. 29 par. 20 Discipline That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit ***
    20 Hence, this important case determined that a disfellowshipped or disassociated person cannot recover damages from Jehovah's Witnesses in a court of law for being shunned. Since the congregation was responding to the perfect directions that all of us can read in God's Word and applying it, the person is feeling a loss brought on by his or her own actions.

    They make it sound like that last sentence reflects the opinion of the court.

  • tec


    (Can't really think of any other answer to you title than that)


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