Is this why the WT always has to have an answer?

by lifelong humanist 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist

    I was brought up to reply to a question that I didn't understand, or know the answer to, in a modest, humble manner - true, sometimes it was embarrassing, but if I didn't know the answer, I'd (usually) admit it, and then start trying to find the answer. This was time consuming, and required work - sometimes, a lot of research. But, it has usually stood me in good stead. Having spent most of my working life in sales, this approach has often assisted me maintain a professional manner and provide the element of trust that is necessary to make a sale. Some salespeople I've worked with felt a need to have 'instant' answers to everything!

    I find it difficult to like arrogant people. So does my wife. In fact, probably everyone alive on this planet! So why have I started this thread?

    I've just realized why the WT religion always has to have a dogmatic answer to everything - even when they really don't have a clue and are only guessing at best, or downright lying! As a mind-controlling cult they must reason that they can't possibly be seen not to be in control of those being duped. Perhaps this is the 'real' reason for the spate of 'crazy' changes in recent months? Can you contemplete the GB saying, "Well that's a tricky one! - we'll need to do some deep research on that before considering a reply - you know, maybe we'll not even be able to come up with any answer". Maybe such a modest response would help them retain a larger percentage of their dwindling followers.

    I don't like arrogant WT reasoning, and blame fear of not going along with it on my wife's entrapment within the cult.

    How do you feel? How many reading this think along similar lines?

    lifelong humanist

  • Soldier77

    I too like to dig in and research answers to questions that I don't know and I have an interest in. By doing the research and learning the answer on my own terms, using my own thought process I retain it and it makes sense.

    As far as your comment on "As a mind-controlling cult they must reason that they can't possibly be seen not to be in control of those being duped." I honestly feel that although yes, they are a mind controlling cult, they really don't see themselves in that view. But I agree that they are thinking "control control control" "how do we control this situation?" "how do we say it so we can control them without rocking the boat too much so as to lose members?" "is this a disfellowshipping offense?"

    Growing up, I always thought that the GB sat around their conference table pondering the bible and making sure that everything that was printed to the R&F was biblically supported. The older I got, I found that there was no way this was happening. Then I read CofC and wow, learning what really went/goes on in the GB sessions is just mind blowing. If you haven't read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz yet, I highly suggest you do so, you won't regret it.

  • superpunk

    It is important for their followers, for sure.

    If a difficult question comes up, the followers go to mother for the answer. If mother doesn't have *an* answer, the followers will be taken aback, and may look elsewhere to satisfy their curiosity.

    As long as mother has *an* answer, it doesn't matter if it's right or logical. It just exists. The follower trusts mother, stops thinking about it, accepts the answer and moves on.

  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist


    Thanks for your point of view - interesting take. I've still to read CoC. I'm told it is a fascinating read.

    Oh, and enjoy your date!

    lifelong humanist

  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist


    I reckon that what you say is right on the money! No answer = no clue, please feel free to investigate the subject elsewhere.

    lifelong humanist


    The Watchtower Society claim to be the answer.

    They have put themselves in the place that Christians reserve for Jesus. Faith in them is the requirement for everlasting life.

    Lack of faith in the organization is considered apostasy.

  • JWoods

    For sure one of the key rules of scientific investigation is to KNOW when YOU DO NOT KNOW an answer.

    Given the WTS disregard and hostility toward science, not surprisingly they seem to reject this with only very rare exceptions.

  • Soldier77

    thanks lifelong humanist, I hope it goes well!

    superpunk sure did nail it. If it comes from "mother" then that's what "mother" says, don't question it, just do it.

    Gladiator, isn't that something? You absolutely nailed that as well, apostacy for lack of faith in the organization, not in God or Jesus.

  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist

    I understand exactly what you mean, THE GLADIATOR - they are the last word on everything/anything and must be believed, or all hell breaks loose.

    JWoods - I think that your comment best answers my point of view - thanks for posting.

    lifelong humanist

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