Overpowering feeling to know all the answers

by gutted 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gutted

    Hi all,

    Right now I am feeling this immense weight that I need to be able to refute every single WBTS doctrine/belief/organizational procedure etc. I feel I need to know this not for myself, I already know the org is bullshit, but to see how I can help others or if I'm questioned by family/friends. I'm in the process of reading In Search of Christian Freedom and it's good to see the difference between the first century "organizational structure" and how it is today in the org.

    Perhaps as stated by other posters I am still in the mindset that I need to "convert" people to my new way of thinking.

    Have you guys felt like this, or still feel like this now?

  • free2beme

    Be advice I can give you. Explore what you want, find the answerd you need. Above all things, really really break away. Do not just cloud the faith, smudging a couple things to fit better in your mind. Look at the doubts of not just the Witnesses, but also look at the doubts of Christianity itself. There is not always an answer you want, but maybe the answer you need. I mention this, as the Witnesses have bent concepts so bad, that you sometimes forget the reason for why we even had faith. It was not about the details of knowing who was whose father in Bible times, or who many meanings were behind a Greek word. It is about actually feeling something inside and knowing what is real inside out inner being. So, look, learn and find the real reason for why you believe in something. It is a baptism in to reality.

  • wenaolong

    Of course I felt that way, to an extent, at one time. It's a sort of "depressurizing" you are going through as you escape the pressure of self-imposed submission to mind-control. In defense, your mind is compensating in the opposite direction to make sure this "doesn't happen again". Try to learn for yourself what it might mean to "feel normal" before defining your whole psychological existence around the Watchtower, whether for or against. Either way, you rotate around them (or anything outside you for that matter, also just as shaky a way to form an identity).

    I did a mental experiment once: I imagined that all religions where just coping mechanisms for fragile minds which exist like wisps of delicate smoke inside the fagile containers of brain-pudding that we call our skulls. In a world like this, we all want to feel good about being here, or about hating being here, or WHATEVER we want, and we basically are as desperate and daily in our going about this as chimps climbing trees or ants gathering bits of food. In the end, we get what we get out of it, pass on what we pass on, then die a deep sleep of a death (one of the few things JW-ism has gotten correct in this hypothetical point of view). Remember, this is a hypothetical scenario, designed by you, without need of permission from anyone, because you are managing your own mind using all your present faculties, which are fair use as I see it (pretend that they are, as long as used in good faith, at the very least, or you limit your options drastically).

    Ok, in that context, can you easily see how some of these rather sad yet tragically beautiful beings will sometimes agglutinate into groups so as to benefit from the consolation of suffering and celebrating together? Can you then see that like all bell-curve-shaped phenomena, some of these groups will be rather jacked-up awesome and some will be rather pathetic, cess-poolish kinds of affairs? Awesome cults/sects on one end, really shady/loserish ones on the other, and some big, massive, titanic, or just plain mid-sized/functional/economy ones in the middle. There will be odd ones, collector's ones, broken ones, scrapped ones, and you can imagine that many a part has been pulled from the scrapyard.

    Okay, in this gloriously tragic affair, you have a limited amount of time to decide what you are going drive with through this entire life, however long or short, whatever the reality of it may or may not be in the end or on the most metaphysically inscrutible levels. Whatever "the" truth is, you are making this decision, that's for sure. Shouldn't you be in charge of that decision, shouldn't you make it well? Now look, you just traded in your old junky car, which you came to hate most things about, but now you are on foot and deciding what you are going to do... Do you now frantically search for another car? In the meantime, what about all those "other poor fools" who are still driving around what you consider a lemon? Should you spend your rather limited time (as far as you currently know) trying to talk them out of driving that thing around? Is it really that pressing? After all, WHAT will you do in the meantime? What is going to save YOU? You are still in this absurd comedy/tragedy... so..... now what?

    I'll just start it there. Let me know if you find this helpful. It can have many twists added to it or else extended as is into many scenarios. Many other methods of imaginative liberation exist as well. See my post about why I left the 'organization' 17+ years ago when I was as many years old if you like, it tells a story in itself. It's in the board below.

    RE: Is This God's Organization?

  • undercover
    I am feeling this immense weight that I need to be able to refute every single WBTS doctrine/belief/organizational procedure etc.

    I remember feeling like that. I had to delve into everything taught by the WTS and confirm if it was correct or not (mostly not). It's like an obsession.

    I guess it's normal because you've lived your entire life believing everything handed to you by this group but when you do realize that one thing, or a couple of things, is wrong, then you have to know - just how much of it was right at all? Was everything I believed a lie?

    So, you analyze and dissect everything printed and said.

    Part of me says - don't worry about it, let it go. You know it's BS. But another part says - you should research everything of interest to you. Know it inside and out and know - not just feel or think - but know beyond any doubt what the real deal is. And it will help you decide what your next step is.

    I feel I need to know this not for myself, I already know the org is bullshit, but to see how I can help others or if I'm questioned by family/friends.

    Here's where it gets tougher. As long as people want to believe something, they're going to believe - despite the evidence contrary to that belief. Especially in a high control group or cult setting. They won't look at critical information. They won't entertain disloyal thoughts. It's best to not go stirring the hornet's nest.

    But if they ask you questions, you do need to know how far you're willing to go to cast doubts on the WTS, risking outing yourself from a fade. I found it helpful also to not try to dispel every doctrine or practice. Focus on one or two things that bugs you the most and that you have become an expert on. Maybe the blood doctrine or the generation teaching or 607. Whatever. But whatever it is - become an expert on that one subject and focus on that. Don't let them change the subject (cause they will try).

    Or you could just skip trying to prove anything, especially if they're true blue dubs. You can just let them prove their claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Nothing you say will probably make a dent, so let them convince you. This way, you haven't outed yourself with spoken doubts and it will discourage them because they'll give up when they can't provide the extraordinary proof.

  • Soldier77

    gutted, we must be going through this at the same time, every one of your posts about your situation feels like I'm looking at the mirror. I too am having that feeling of having to know all the answers, not to justify my position, but to be able to sit with my close family and friends and show them and explain to them what I know.

    The dilemma I'm facing is right now do I even give a shit to try to explain this all to people I love dearly, because when it comes down to it, 90% of these people are going to flip the switch and shun me if they find out I no longer believe in the bullshit coming from the WBTS. Or do I give a shit and try to stay "in" as long as possible to try to get them out. I don't think I can do that, I can't live in contradiction, lies and hypocrisy. It makes me ill.

  • Soldier77
    I guess it's normal because you've lived your entire life believing everything handed to you by this group but when you do realize that one thing, or a couple of things, is wrong, then you have to know - just how much of it was right at all? Was everything I believed a lie?

    So, you analyze and dissect everything printed and said.

    Undercover, You said it perfectly, these questions are the ones going through my head at this time.

  • dgp


  • gutted

    Soldier I was actually thinking the same thing when I see your posts, seems like we are at similar points in leaving.

    As far as telling other people so far I've told my non-JW family (2 cousins and my sister), and they have been supportive.

    I've told two people "in", my mom and another friend. Surprisingly my mom agreed to a lot of points at first but now she goes semi-JW-balistic when I bring it up, she is very disappointed. I think I definitely did push it a bit far with her. My one friend, the only JW friend I want to keep anyway, I was also suprised to know how many doubts he actually had. He was the one that brought up 1975 and other issues. I basically told him all my problems with it. I think with him there is real hope in "getting him out", his main gripe now is "there was organization in the 1st century, so there must be now" and I am researching that.

    I feel for you, I know there is some family I just cannot tell, they will probably find out eventually that I am fading and make up their own mind if they want to have contact.

  • Perry

    Welcome. I totally understand. I was never a religious person but my WT experience literally drove me to find out about original Christianity. Defeating the WT doctrinally was very important to me.

    All the Best!

  • jamiebowers
    ...his main gripe now is "there was organization in the 1st century, so there must be now"...

    Even if that's correct, what's the point in staying in an organization that so obviously isn't God's?

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