Strangest place you ever.....

by thepackage 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • thepackage

    What’s the strangest place you ever where encouraged? Over the weekend I was at a birthday party for a close friend. Half her family is hard core JW and the other half are inactive, she, her siblings and her parents are inactive and do the Memorial thing, Any ways, while at birthday party and one of her hard core Elder Uncles’ and his family where there and he was drunk of his ass!!! He started to preach to me and tell me how I’m a negative influence on his family and putting all these ideals in their head. All the time I’m thinking, “your drunk and at a birthday party”. When I asked him what he was doing at a birthday party and didn’t that conflict with him being an Elder he said “I just came to visit the family and take a few pictures I’m not eating birthday cake so, I’m not participating in the birthday events”.

    Normally things don’t bother me but this drunk Elder at a birthday party telling me I’m a bad person cause I’m not a JW anymore was very strange.

    So, where is the strangest place you have been “encouraged” to go back to meetings?

  • AudeSapere

    See? Now I thought this was going to be a different question....

    As far as 'encouragement', my two strangest places were while standing line at my bank (twice - by two different people) and in my hospital room during surprise visit from an edler I had never met after asking me if I still believed it was the 'truth' and if I still considered myself to be a JW.


  • undercover
    Now I thought this was going to be a different question....

    Yea.... I had an answer for that one...

    This one isn't so easy...

    A couple of instances that come to mind was when we were in a bar somwhere. Not a classy martini bar or restaurant bar... more like pool halls and biker bar type places. It was kinda weird to be there drinking and hanging around a rough crowd only to have a "brother" counsel me on service time or 'reaching out'...

    A family member "encouraged" me at a funeral shortly after I became inactive. Pulled me aside and tried to talk in hushed tones about my recent inactivity while others around us were mourning over the deceased (non-JW funeal)

    Neither of those top a birthday party though. That's out there...

  • Morbidzbaby

    See? Now I thought this was going to be a different question....

    LOL Aude I thought so too...I was warming up my fingers to tell my "Indian Reservation Hood of a Honda" story.... dang it...

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