Hey Y'all!

by NomadSoul 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • NomadSoul

    Wow it's been a while. A while since I came to these boards that helped me so much when I left the borg.

    I remembered these boards today because a funny thing has been happening to me the past few weeks. A friend of mine that I guess still goes to the meetings added me on facebook. That caused a ripple of effect of several people that I used to know add me thinking I'm still a JW. It's just funny to see one by one remove me from the list as it takes them a while to realize I'm not the same person anymore. Even though in my info it clearly states that I'm an Atheist.

    Anyways, how are you doing?

  • beksbks

    Hello Nomad! I don't do FB myself, but I have heard this story from others who do. We won't leave ya

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Hi NomadSoul......welcome back. You near Houston?

    Think About It

  • NomadSoul

    Thank you, and I'm near Dallas, where you guys from?

  • Clam

    Hi Nomad. Don't the Dubs have their own version of Facebook yet? DubBook or whatever.

  • NomadSoul

    hahaha I wouldn't doubt they would come up with one. I had fun once when there was a conversation going on about the last meeting. I chimed in and said something like the only things I miss about the meetings is that those were the best naps I've ever taken.

    mmm maybe that's why I got deleted by a few, lol

  • wobble

    Welcome back Nomad, I used to fall asleep at the K.H and get a sharp elbow in the ribs from wifey if I started to snore !

    it is funny, no witlesses have asked to be my friend on Facebook yet, mind you their is a lot of obvious connection to Apostates on there, all my friends for example.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Don't the Dubs have their own version of Facebook yet? DubBook or whatever.

    Yeah, the JW's think they are so much better than everybody else it's called......... InYourFacebook. (Dubland)

    Think About It

  • Clam

    I like it Think About It.

    Build it and they will come

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