Today my mother informed me that the husband of the woman who she first studied with died yesterday. To be honest his death didn't effect me one way or another since I hadn't seen in years and I was never that close to him.
I don't remember his name, but what I remember most about him was that years ago, when I was a kid, several of the young people in our congregation nicknamed him "lazybutt." Privately I called him "lazyass." The reason he got that nickname was because he never did anything in the congregation. He would come to the Kingdom Hall with wife sit on his fat 300 pound duff and never did anything. He never gave parts, never held the microphone, never went out on service, and he never even answered in the meetings. Yet this guy was always in good standing with the congregation. (Could it be because most of the elders were his sons or were related to him in some way? No, of course not.) Anyway, he is gone now. Cancer got to him. So I say we all bow our heads in a minute of silence in memory of "lazyass."
"Lazyass" (*holding a drink in a toast*) this is for you big guy.