by Quentin 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quentin

    There are some of you who know myself and Terry are friends, who having lost contact with each other for nearly thirty years, re-connected on this board. We now enjoy each others company when it can be managed, work scheduals getting in the way more than anything. After catching up on thirty years of what's up, it's been like there wasen't a thirty year gap. For my part, Terry is one of those "special" friends that goes beyond: Oh yeah Terry, he's a friend of mine.

    This brings me to Ronnie. Ronnie too was a special friend who I had lost contact with for nearly twenty years. About the same time I re-connected with Terry, same thing happened with Ronnie. Ronnie had been living in Witchata, Kan. We talked on the phone, exchanged e-mails, whats been up with you, so forth. Finaly, my daughter and I made the trip to Kansas and spent a wonderfull weekend with Ronnie and his family. Same as with Terry, it was like we had only been seperated by a couple days, picked up where we had left off with out a bump. Thing is, Ronnie had been battling cancer for nine years.

    This last Friday I got a call from his son, Ronnie had passed away at 9:30 that morning. His battle with cancer was over. I cried like a baby. My friend was gone. Friends like Ronnie and Terry are hard to come by. Reason I guess I've only had two in my life time. Except now there's another friend, Harry, who found Terry and I on Facebook. Same story all over again, driffent friend.

    Now what's the connection between Ronnie and Terry. Well, I'll tell ya, which will also show it's a small world after all. Ronnie and his wife Julie were never jw's. Never had any type of wtbts contact. But, Terry's best friend Johnny, whom many of you will remember, is married to Carol. Carol and Julie are 1st cousins. Their father's being brother's. They come from the Titus family, who live in and around the Red Oak, Lancaster area of Dallas. Some of you may know the jw Titus'. Don't recall how strong they were as jw's.

    Okay, I'm back, had to go wash my face. That's the story folks. Just shows how small the world can be, especialy if you've ever been a jw. Sadly, am unable to make the trip up there. Several months ago Stacy wanted to go up to Witchata and spend another weekend with Ronnie and family. I vetoed the idea by telling her there was plenty time to do that. I was wrong. Folks, saviour every minute you spend with friends and family, because you never know, you just do not know.

    Ronnie my friend, you are missed now, and in the future. Love you brother. Always have, always will.

  • Broken Promises
  • Rabbit

    Hey Quentin,

    I am so sorry about your friend Ronnie. It's so true about the very few people that end up as good, special or even best friends -- they are rare and valuable. Most of us as JW's built up family and 'friends' younger in our lives -- then lost them all. I reconnected with a jw I had pioneered with, he had been df and I treated him with total hate and I was taught and believed, as a true Jehovah's Witness. 30 years later I apologized. He wasn't even mad at me. We became friends again the last 2 years, then he died last month from liver cancer.

    You are absolutely right, savor your friends and family (if they let you), because, you really never know about tomorrow or even the next minute.

  • Quentin

    Thank you Broken Promises.

    Hi Rabbit, I'm glad you were able to re-connect with your friend. Sad his time was cut short, yet you were able to enjoy a contiued frienship, that counts for something. Yes, savor your friends and family, no matter how much time is left to you, or them.....How was the Dallas get togather? Haven't seen any comments about it.

  • Rabbit

    How was the Dallas get togather? Haven't seen any comments about it.

    Well-l-l...we got there about a half-hour late and no one was there. The hostess asked if we were with "...the internet group?" ,and said a man & woman were there, but had left. So, we stayed to eat. A little while later, our friend 6 of 9 showed up and we 3 caught up and had our Fest.

  • zoiks

    Quentin, I'm sorry for your loss. It's so true - good friends can be rare, and the moments that we spend should be cherished.

    A good reminder, however painful it may be.

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