In a previous post I mentioned how I just recently became aware of "verbal abuse" and how I am guilty of it in my personal life. Some people think of verbal abuse as launching into a profanity laced tirade against someone. That is a shallow definition, what hit home for me was the term "reviling". I realized that when someone close dissappoints me I don't simly become dissappointed and express that rather I have the urge to revile that person. Which boils over and I must let them know what a bad person they are.
A couple of JW apologist have recently gone after me "reviling" me one in a public post and the other in a PM. I would like to thank them for giving me a dose of my own medicine and showing me how pointless and hurtful this kind of thing is to others. The JW's really do train people to revile anyone that is not "morally pure" like them. It's really sad what the JW's to a person's soul. I noticed this with my Parents on my last visit. I sat quietly at a restaraunt and tried to see if they could go 5 minutes with out criticizing, condeming or ridiculing someone around us.... We made it to 3 and half minutes.
Let's not even mention what I suffered as a child from my Parents. I really thought that was normal until very recently.