My new keychain has arrived

by ChuckD 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChuckD

    I received my new "No Blood" keychain from the fine folks at Circuit Leasing today. I must say that they put together a very professional looking mailing, with some nice materials. An interesting touch; the letter accompanying the keychain was signed "Your Brothers."

    It seems that they take it for granted that anyone who visits the website already know who they are, even though no mention of their affiliation with the society is made or even hinted to on the website. It is a bit odd for them to make the free keychain offer as they do without even disclosing that it features a "No Blood" directive. While such a trinklet may be appreciated by another dub, it isn't exactly the kind of gift that would win the business of someone who was not of the fold. Hardly a stocking-stuffer for those outside of the organization.

    They also included two prestamped postcards in case anyone else wants a no-blood keychain of their own. The line forms to the left - no shoving!

  • LDH

    I wonder are those keychains free or did someone, somewhere pay for them?

    I wonder who? I wonder how much? I wonder how they help spread the gospel of Jesus?!?!?!


  • waiting

    Howdy Lisa,

    No Blood.

    signed: Your Brothers.

    I wonder how they help spread the gospel of Jesus?!?!?! -lisa
    1. Jesus shed his blood for all mankind.

    2. Your brothers will shed No Blood for anyone, including their brothers.

    To be quite honest, I'm bored at work. That's my explanation for my post. "That's my story and I'm stickin' to it."

    waiting - joking

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