Wanted to pass along some interesting news about some of the local KH's I found out

by StoneWall 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • StoneWall

    At least 2 of the 4 closest congregations to me had lower attendance at the memorial this year.

    I didn't go to the Memorial this year but at my own congregation it not only went down some but by a considerable margin.

    Last year we had 200+ for the Memorial, this year down to 157.

    Second congregation nearby had a drop of over 20. From approx. 187 down to 165.

    I do believe we have been making tremendous inroads in my area. So many have just stopped going. Inactive.

    Yesterday while I was bike riding on the public trail I came in contact with a long time friend that was telling me the

    Circuit Overseer met with her disfellowshipped sister while he was here and asked if there was anything they could do to

    help her return to the congregation. Her sister told him in no uncertain terms that she never wants to go back.

    Also I was told that 2 Elders are being sent in to this area to help with congregation matters.

    Not sure what all this entails at present but something looks to be in the works.

    I've personally had 4 Elders visits in the last 3 months. I keep a little record book everytime they come by.

    So far they've been nice and tried to be "encouraging" but I can't help but feel that I've got a big bullseye on my back

    and that they are trying to get me in their crosshairs.

    A few of us "inactives" have been comparing notes and they've also been hit lately with unannounced visits.

    We feel that maybe they are no longer content to let us be as inactives because of maybe influencing others in some

    form by merely talking to them and such in public.

    From what I gather that others have posted on here recently/lately it looks like a big push might be on to force people

    to get in or get all the way out.

    Could be instructions from corporate but as of now I've got my eyes and ears out to glean anything I can.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    There have been parts on "marking" people who refuse to submit to theocratic arrangements and quit attending meetings in my circuit. They DEFINITELY do not want Dubs talking to people who KNOW TOO MUCH.

    The "spiritual danger" of college, "bad" association, and "worldly" entertainment is not anything spiritually endangering at all; it is the danger of learning the REAL TRUTH about the Borg and it scares the crap out of the men who's lives depend on perpetuating the myth.

  • ziddina

    "From what I gather that others have posted on here recently/lately it looks like a big push might be on to force people to get in or get all the way out. ..."

    Yes, that's been mentioned often; personally, I hope it's true, because if the WTBTS puts the screws to all - or most - of the average JWs in the congregations, I have a feeling there'll be a BIG drop in their membership numbers...

    The Gov.Bod doesn't have the sense God - or Goddess - gave a flea... If they had any brains, they would have reshaped the religion to make it more palatable, a LOOOONG time ago...

    But it's fun watching it slowly crumble from within... Zid

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Great news. And good for you getting information to people locked in the Organization.

    I am returning a call tomorrow ona letter to local paper on a letter about Ray Franz and the significance of his life as a testimony against the destructive power of a priestly class on free conscience and Christian faith. I hope they print it so that news about what he did and what the WTS did to him can get out for others (JWs) to see.

    If there is anything we can do to free the captives then we must do it.

    I am so happy to be free I can't stand to think of others locked up to the end of their days.

  • wobble

    Interesting info. Stonewall !

    I think the GB and local Elders are in a catch22 situation, they cannot get those of us who know too much back, ever, but they dare not DF us.

    O.K if they do, it would be nigh on impossible to speak to most active Dubs, but boy, would we go public !

    I know I would start a campaign in local and national media, the only reason I do not at present is because of my 90 year old Mum who is still active, all the time I am not DF'd she can still talk to me.

    I await with interest to see if here in the U.K they will try to re-activate me, I doubt it, my Elder nephew has warned them off I think, I gave him a hard time on 1919 etc. and he has not got back to me since.

    They may try a kind of midway course where they encourage "marking" , the wonderful policy they have for dangerous types, that relies on gossip to identify the person. When the talk is given from the platform nobody knows who or what it is about, but elders wives fill everybody in.

    We'll see.

  • WTWizard

    Hopefully, this translates to lower numbers on the worldwide report. Of course, that doesn't stop them from inventing fake numbers.

    That is easy. I could do it myself: All I have to do is claim a cult and write something like 6 billion members. Of course, most of those members don't exist; that wouldn't stop me from writing them down anyways. Which is what the witless religion will have to do if they want to claim new peaks with people leaving like this.

  • Desilusionnee

    I can confirm the lower attendance at the memorial for this year and last year in our congregation too (Austria, Europe). It seems like inactive don't come to that "special meeting" anymore and we have a few "visitors" (always the same).
    I don't know if it's a world-wide trend. We have to check that!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    They'll just pull the 'love of the greater number cooling off' scripture out they arse to justify the low numbers and how much closer it means we are to the end.

  • Heaven

    Doesn't this type of activity usually happen around this time of year? This is when the CO visits and, to quote my Father, "Stirs things up." See if it all settles down after the CO activity is over.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think the GB and local Elders are in a catch22 situation, they cannot get those of us who know too much back, ever, but they dare not DF us.

    O.K if they do, it would be nigh on impossible to speak to most active Dubs, but boy, would we go public !

    I know I would start a campaign in local and national media, the only reason I do not at present is because of my 90 year old Mum who is still active, all the time I am not DF'd she can still talk to me.

    Seconded. I sometimes wonder whether they realize all that, though. Some bodies of elders might but others seem too dense.

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