It was a few days ago, I think from youtube. In this video it shows slides or pictures of people suffering terribly, with the voice of a higher up, possibly governing body member outlining how all JWs would just be gleeful at the destruction and death. Can someone link me to it, I'd like to show my husband this evening. I appreciate it! I went about 12 pages back looking, but can't seem to read a title that rings a bell.
Someone posted a video
by Heartbreaker 8 Replies latest jw friends
are you talking about ciro (I cannot spell his last name)? He is not on the governing body, he is definitely a bethel heavy.
use the search engine and type ciro. I will try to find it now.
put ciro, jehovah in the youtube search engine and you will find it from there.
Thank you ASO that did it! He was appropriately horrified :D
Just to prove that the WTS. power thumps don't give a rats ass to the sensitive hearts and minds of innocent children.
Listen to this mentally off balanced idiot from Bethel give a talk at an assembly a few years
You seems to know some wts heavies. Iam suprised. Just curious, how did you know them like that?
The GB of JWS have one important job in their position of this organization and that is to heighten fear and doubt into peoples minds
to keep people submissive and subordinately in control, simply because it brings them power and money, break this policy of fear
and all of this washes away and vanishes. Fear mongering has to continue with this organization to sustain itself, derived in whole
from the ancient mystical story tellers who embellished many stories to bring power and reverence to their god.
Opening the mind of reason.
Scott, I read alot of posts here, I am pretty much informed.